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Topic:Rear PLYMOUTH PROWLER bumbers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
fontenolHello I am a newbie and was wondering, has anyone tried to fill in the PLYMOUTH PROWLER on their rear bumpers to smooth them out with body filler or something and if you did how and did it work? I was just wanting a smooth rear bumper appearance. ANY help is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!!!
TerryThere is a member of POA who makes "shimmers" to fill in the letters. The shimmers are available in all the Prowler colors.
IMO, the silver or body color shimmers look the best.

I believe that I got mine from Yeller Cat.

This message has been edited by Terry on 10-05-2012 at 07:22 PM

toysIf there is nothing wrong with your rear drivers side bumper you might want to see if someone with a blank 2002 Chrysler rear bumper wants to swap with yours.
the drivers side with Plymouth graphics is no longer available.



OMG....please please please DO NOT DO THAT to these bumpers.

These bumpers are getting harder and harder to find and are no longer in production ANYWHERE.

If you want smooth bumpers, take photos of yours, state the condition, and post on here for EVEN TRADE.

You will find someone on here QUICK who will do an even trade with you. I promise you that.


This message has been edited by adacus on 10-05-2012 at 09:17 PM

Originally posted by adacus:

OMG....please please please DO NOT DO THAT to these bumpers.

These bumpers are getting harder and harder to find and are no longer in production ANYWHERE.

If you want smooth bumpers, take photos of yours, state the condition, and post on here for EVEN TRADE.

You will find someone on here QUICK who will do an even trade with you. I promise you that.


This is different, most of us have the shimmers or painted the lettering. Look at a Chrysler with plain left side, THEY ARE SO PLAIN, so people have gotten the Plymouth bumper and put on their chryslers

My gloss black bumpers with chrome Shimmers look great

My bumpers were the gray (yes all prowler bumpers are painted not molded in color) I like most painted, but don't care for the yellow bumpers.

Larry & Sue Mayes

idiveHe could solve the problem swapping the driver side but he still would have the prowler scrip on the passenger bumper that he wants to smooth out too, from what I read... I hate to see this myself but I have no solution to salvage the bumper other than to say to swap it for a scuffed bumper since he would have to repaint it anyway afterwards.

This message has been edited by idive on 10-07-2012 at 06:32 PM

Originally posted by idive:
He could solve the problem swapping the driver side but he still would have the prowler scrip on the passenger bumper that he wants to smooth out too, from what I read... I hate to see this myself but I have no solution to salvage the bumper other than to say to swap it for a scuffed bumper since he would have to repaint it anyway afterwards.


Yeah but at least you can still buy the passenger side bumper that has the prowler script on it, they no longer make the drivers side bumper with the Plymouth script on it anymore, just the blanked out Chrysler bumper which was my thought

This message has been edited by toys on 10-07-2012 at 07:43 PM

stevedymoWould a pair of front bumpers fit on the rear?? Just change out the lights if you want the red reflector or leave the clear front and just change the bulbs from yellow to white.
Joe RuggieroCan anyone point me to where I can get Orange shimmers for my Kat?

It is a Plymouth but doesn't have the Plymouth on the drivers side rear it's just plain. I believe because it was on 1/3/2001 the same month that they finished building Plymouths and started with Chryslers that they must have run out of the Plymouth bumpers and started to use the plain Chrysler ones. Just guessing as the car is clean with only 7,000 miles on it.

Anyways I loved the shimmers on my Deep Candy Red years ago and want another set for my Orange Kat.

This message has been edited by Joe Ruggiero on 10-07-2012 at 07:51 PM

SimonsezSince Plymouth no longer exists who in there right mind would want to hide the fact they have a classic car. I mean really how would Plymouth Prowler on the bumper be offensive enough to remove.
catfishfontenol,if you dont want the name grind it,fill it,paint it.


Cool330fontenol, do you still have your rear passenger 'Prowler' script bumper? Would you be interested in an exchange for a blank one?

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