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Topic:Rear Back Up Camera Installation
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padrooI am towing my trailer to Colorado and installed a viedo back up system but instead of having it come on when in reverse I can turn it on with my rear window defogger. I din't want to do it that way but time is getting short and I have other things to do. The system was easy to install except I drilled and tapped two 3mm x 50 holes in the trailer hitch to mount the camera and as usual I broke a tiny drill bit and with such small screws I twisted one off but after that things went well. The power for the rear window defogger was easy to tap being at the right top of the trunk and even though the system came with extension cables I didn't need them and all the wiring fit under the trunk carpet. All connections are soldered and I used heat shrink on all connections. You probably are going to ask, where can you mount a 7 inch monitor in a Prowler. I don't have a water fall or anything in the area where the subwoofer is locate so I mounted it there. I will improve my mounting system at a later date but it is an impressive system for so few $$$.

One Question: Where and how have you tapped a 12 Volt power source that is on only when the key is in the run position? I really don't like cutting into wiring.

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005Q65JHM?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_deta ilpage_o00_s00

7 Inch Monitor
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007SLDF7O?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_deta ilpage_o00_s00

Another thing I like about this monitor is it is set up to take two video feeds. It comes with a remote or you can touch a button to switch from one camera to the other. Later I hope to install a second camera to the front so I can see curbs and bumper blocks.
Now if I could only figure out how to record from it.
I did not use the mount show in the picture of the monitor.

This message has been edited by padroo on 06-15-2015 at 05:02 PM

derosajDid you also get the wireless transmitter? How clear is the picture on the monitor?
Originally posted by derosaj:
Did you also get the wireless transmitter? How clear is the picture on the monitor?

I did order the wireless transmitter because I thought it was meant to be a wireless setup but after I got it I realized I didn't need it. They ship an extension video cable but I didn't need it either. If it holds up it is a good deal for not much money. After I finetoon the monitor mount I will post some pictures.

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