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Topic:Re-chromed wheels for sale?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
UK ProwlerFanI have just seen a listing on eBay advertising re-chromed wheels for $780 with a 5 year guarantee.


Have any members any advice on how good these people are? As the chrome wheels present so many problems, I imagine someone knows them. Is the 5 year warranty worth the paper it's written on as it might be worth me shipping mine over to be done at that price!

Thanks for any advice.

UK ProwlerFan

ALLEY CATPersonally,,,I'd try a chromer in the UK first, and save the shipping expense.

OR,,,go to an aftermarket wheel instead. Might be quite a bit 'less' expense, and you'll have new wheels.

UK ProwlerFanThanks for your advice Alley Cat. Unfortunately, the law in the UK and I believe in Europe, does not appear to allow chroming of alloy wheels. When I first heard this I thought it was BS, and it doesn't seem to make sense as it seems you can chrome you grandmother if you want to - the chroming cost wasn't too bad, but polishing out the wrinkles is prohibitively expensive, apparently. I have looked into it at length and many topics on the internet seem to back up the inability to re-chrome wheels in Europe and I certainly can't find anyone willing to do them.

As for aftermarket, I'd be happy with some Foose Nitro or similar, but the cost of shipping and duty on top of the cost of the wheels themselves is way out of my league at the moment! That's why I am considering these guys.

ALLEY CATOK,,,thats understandable now.

Sure somebody will have a good chromer to use, and provide you direction.

Good luck...

Prowlin'99I had a set re-chromed two months ago by Classic Components in Santa Ana Ca., recommended by a friend. I know others on this site have used Fast Forward Wheels with good results. My wheels turned out fantastic!

This message has been edited by Prowlin'99 on 03-20-2011 at 08:08 AM

Bob MillerI've used Fast Forward wheels on a couple different projects and the results have always been exceptional.

This message has been edited by Bob Miller on 03-20-2011 at 09:12 AM

stprinzhello there,
i will ask my friend down here in Italy if they have a possibility to re-chrome the wheels.....
i will give it a try.....i really do not see any problems...

i will let you know.

UK ProwlerFanThanks to all for your advice and I'd be glad to hear if they can be done in Italy too!

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