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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Rain tax in Maryland
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortYEP..even a tax on rain.


This message has been edited by Gort on 01-04-2014 at 11:14 AM

garysssYep, we have already starting paying it. Thank god it only snowed this week, I need gas for the car.

This message has been edited by garysss on 01-05-2014 at 08:38 AM

ALLEY CATSince Maryland was a solid, blue, Gore state in 2000,,,,,Maryland should also enact a "Global Warming Tax" as well. Maryland needs the tax revenue, so what better way to generate funds from those who believe in Al Gore's world?

I would exempt Garysss [V V] from this new tax burden,,

JeraneWNow I know why I sold my waterfront home in Annapolis MD. I used to pay two real estate taxes, one for the waterfront footage and one for the remainder of the property; so now they are going to charge a new tax on drainage. Don't tell those legislators in Hilton Head SC.
alrtgMy house has a Cesspool System which is not as effective as a Septic System and I live a good 60 to 75 miles from the Chesapeake Bay however I get to pay an "alternative" sewer tax because I am not hooked up to the sewer system.

I am told this tax is to "Save the Bay" as the waste will eventually find it's way to the bay. Personally I think that is a load of crap being pushed by the politicians and their crap will have a bigger negative impact on the bay before mine gets five miles from the house (if it ever does)

Didn't we all come here to escape excessive taxation in the first place.

Randy CobbWe have had this form of tax in many cities/towns in NC for years.

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