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Topic:RICH WARE - I have your seats
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Marty UsherI sent you a PM!

The new seats look great!

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

BeWareMarty, PM back at you. Can't wait to see them.


BeWareChris, I will have them Wednesday morning. I hope to install them that nigth. I will post pictures as soon as they are installed. I have been trying to get this done for nearly two years. It all came together this year.
Marty UsherRich - I confirmed with UPS that they were delivered today at 2:50 PM. Did you pick them up?????
Wayne FinchHopefully Rich is busy installing as we speak. Pictures coming?????
Marty UsherWayne - I hope he likes them. It is a several hour job to attached them to the seat frames and poke the holes in the top for the headrests to attach. ( that would be the part that would scare me because you need to punch a ROUND hole so it won't tear like an "X" cut might)

The colors and the cat embroidery were excellent.

BeWareMarty, Yes I picked them up. Started install about 6:00PM and finished around 10:30PM ( took a dinner break around 8:00). It was really scary cutting the hole for the headrests. I had to think on it, check and re check for 45 minutes before I could make the first cut. I am very anxious to see them in the sunlight. I hope to take pictures tonight and post them. I cut my fingers tips to ribbons but I cut easy anyway. I am very tired today. Its been a rough week at work and no chance to rest at home in the evening.

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