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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ProwlerGTSIt was about 3:30 when me and my friend Scott were riding our bikes.We look towards King George Ave and Mary Ave and we both yell prowler! I instantly took pursuit to try to catach up with the owner and ask him if he was part of the POA.I never caught up but I left Scott pretty far behind!:D


years till I get my truck:4-6 years
Fastest speed in prowler:90 mph

YellowIs your prowler white? Can you post a pic?


KrautHere's a white factory car.

bruce hazeltonWhere did a white Prowler ever come from?????
GeneCheck out the headlights
ed monahanBruce, the white Prowler was several different colors during its lifetime. Jerry Scholten is an engineer for D-C and he drives it. It is a parts test car with a stroker engine, louvered hood, etc. It will be crushed eventually.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
...It will be crushed eventually.


Dead End DonI have seen this pic before, but everytime I do, I have to add my 2 cents worth:

That white car is BITCHEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best color the factory never made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BeWareDC made 124 Pilot Prowlers. I believe I am correct that most have been crushed. It hurts to think of that many Kats being destroyed. But for this White one to be destroyed would be much worse. It should never be destroyed. In fact in my humble opinion Jerry should be allowed to keep it.

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