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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:R U on this list? big troubles
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://video.foxnews.com/v/3591088886001/gle nn-greenwald-to-publish-names-of-people-targeted-by-nsa/#sp=show-clips&v=3591088886001

"Most transparent presidency ever" .## "I'll listen to what you say"#### "We're only targeting people who might be considered interesting"###

He didn't lie,you just didn't listen#

Sorta like Clintons statement##"I didn't have sex with that woman" He didn't lie,you just didn't listen# What he did is not considered sex by definition#

I think we need to listen more to Obama not less# We just thought Clinton was slick willy, Obama is much slicker#

I like this one best of all# " You didn't build anything,the government did that,you didn't" In a way he's correct, without the government you more than likely wouldn't even have electrical power or a road to your business# WE HAVE TO LISTEN MORE#

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-27-2014 at 06:10 PM


For some reason the periods are showing up as pound signs

padrooGort, didn't you ever hear about the dreaded Clinton disease. You know you got it for sure if your periods turn to#

Dam, now I got it#

padrooThis disease must be contagious##

Any one else get it##

ed monahanThat could be a real problem at an all-girls high school.
GortMaybe the forum big wigs are saying my post is a pound of crap. smiles
ALLEY CATUsually two pounds of crap,,,but we'll let it go#
StingRayIn today's society, isn't that symbol (#) we all lovingly referred to as a pound sign or number sign, now called a "hash tag"?! Come on guys .... he was just confusing his Twitter account with POA!
Originally posted by StingRay:
In today's society, isn't that symbol (#) ... now called a "hash tag"?!

Also known as an octothorpe.
It shows up when your posts are of special interest to the NSA.

ed monahanGood one Curt.
Originally posted by Gort:
Maybe the forum big wigs are saying my post is a pound of crap. smiles

Just having some fun Gort##

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