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Topic:Questions about Texas Prowler Stampede DVD
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TFischerI've gotten several e-mails from people wondering if there were Two DVDs for the event. The answer is yes. Dan Pena did a DVD for the event and we have now finished the official DVD that we had planned from the start of the event. Dan's is great and he did video throughout his. We have pictures and video. The group photo and all of the individual photos taken by the photographer at the event are on our DVD along with the videos of the Krehel Museum and BBQ, footage driving and also at the track. The World's Fastest Prowler Drag between Wayne Wagner and Mike's HVII using Wayne's Prowler Cam is on our video as well. We had alot of outstanding photos sent to us from several owners that wanted to contribute to the DVD and everyone's photos were used on the DVD along with the people's that I had asked to help us out by taking photos during the event. We have plenty of extra DVDs for anyone that did not order one at the event and would like one. The cost is $25 and you can send me or Fred (prwlyn) an e-mail or PM and we will get your order taken care of. Thanks for all of the interest and e-mails from everyone wanting one! All profits from the sale of this DVD will go directly to the POA. Thanks, Tami
ed monahanFor anyone that has never gone to one of the bigger events, you ought to consider buying one of these. You get to see the people who are there and put faces, and not just mug shots, with the people. They are talking and you feel like you know them a lot better. Plus you get to see how much fun we are having. You spend $ 25 on nothing but this thing will last forever. There have been a few classic moments that were saved for posterity on some of the other videos/CDs. Classic stuff. After you see one you will wish you could make the next event so that costs money. After you get to the event and see the cars with the mods, you will spend even more money, so on second thought, you had better save that $ 25 because it could lead to big bucks. lol.
Support the POA. You are reading this so you must enjoy the site. I wish I had paid for a CD now.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 08-23-2004 at 09:44 PM

TFischerEd: I can't take it - I'm going to contribute the rest of your $1 checks so you can have your DVD. Start watching your mailbox!!! LOL You guys need to watch and see what Pauley did at the gas station on the way to the drags - we laughed so hard when those pictures came in from GPS John!! Tami
Originally posted by ed monahan:
For anyone that has never gone to one of the bigger events, you ought to consider buying one of these. You get to see the people who are there and put faces, and not just mug shots, with the people. They are talking and you feel like you know them a lot better. Plus you get to see how much fun we are having. You spend $ 25 on nothing but this thing will last forever. There have been a few classic moments that were saved for posterity on some of the other videos/CDs. Classic stuff. After you see one you will wish you could make the next event so that costs money. After you get to the event and see the cars with the mods, you will spend even more money, so on second thought, you had better save that $ 25 because it could lead to big bucks. lol.
Support the POA. You are reading this so you must enjoy the site. I wish I had paid for a CD now.

ED, ED, ED, You are good, are you going for a Prowler Church??? Preacher ED "mon with 2 hands"...


ed monahanTami, that is why you are in my top 10 (thousand). I hope it shows up tomorrow. We were talking about Pauley's magical, mystical tour to the drag strip, while at Woodward. I forgot GPS taped it all but Sandy remembered.
Some of the classic lines on that trip:
"We will be the first ones there. There was a big wreck on the Interstate and they will all be stuck."
"Is that 7:30, OUR time? We had better get going." I then asked if we were almost there and Pauley replied, "Well, we are over half way there."

Again, I am not complaining it was a scenic FUN trip. We had a blast and I did not mind arriving after dark at the track. lol.
I have never driven 100 mph on a (one step up from) a dirt road with no curbs, sidewalks, lines or sight lines. I have never driven the Prowler thru a stream that was over a foot deep, either, come to think of it. We fjorded several streams, one was a foot deep. Pauley did not even slow down for them. I sure hope GPS taped all of that.
Thanks for the contribution Tami. When I cash in the aluminum cans next month I will send some funds.

CJEd and Sandy were at the house (along with some others) one night visiting and he told us the story.........he also said that Pauley would make a great tour guide!
TFischerEd: We have several great pics from John on that trip. Unfortunately no video - but the two pics of Pauley at the gas station are a riot!! Poor guy. John said the same thing - the drive was gorgeous, but no one expected it to last more than an hour or so past the drive the rest of us took through rush hour traffic!!! LOL
pauleyooh my...I was kinda hopen those pictures would not make it to the disc.......uh thanks to my buddy GPS John....o well S happens........
Originally posted by pauley:
ooh my...I was kinda hopen those pictures would not make it to the disc.......uh thanks to my buddy GPS John....o well S happens........

And you can't sell it on Ebay!!!!


BeWare Heck buy both. I am hoping Mike Gatlin does a third video and I will buy that as well
Originally posted by BeWare:
Heck buy both. I am hoping Mike Gatlin does a third video and I will buy that as well

Absolutely! Dan's is great stuff and I enjoyed watching it! Mike always does a first rate job on his videos as well. They are all great for our collections! Everyone spent alot of time on these for the group and they are a ton of fun to watch!! T

dpenaMike has his stuff on this link for any interested..

Good stuff!!!


TFischerOh wow - I didn't know that was out there - very cool! T

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