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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Marty UsherI have read a lot of posts lately about synthetic brake fluid, various flushes, changing tranny fluid, coolant, etc. With the miles I put on my Prowler my car would spend more time in the shop than on the road.

Does anyone else just drive their's and just change the oil regularly. (In my case I just change engines every so many miles )

Aside from my engine swap which was prompted by too much nitrous rather than by lack of maintenance, I really have not had any major problems. My tranny is still good, brakes work fine, I have never touched the cooling system and I have driven the S#&% out of the car for 73,000 miles.

I am just trying figure out if I am smart or just lucky that nothing else has gone wrong.


Let the debates begin......

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

davidnjust lucky
meancatThere are not too many black kat's with 79,000 miles on them so I would say you are just lucky.I would sell and buy yellow.(Just my option and I'm never wrong, if you don't believe me ask my wife)



with the engine out YOU HAVE CHANGED THE COOLANT

The brakes...yes, they recommend but few people ever do it. I have on the Goldwing, but never on a car. The reason that I changed it on the Prowler is I had a brake problem due to the dealer changing the brake booster and not adjusting the rod from the brake pedal to the booster. The brakes would stay on after 4 or 5 miles overheat them.

The Trans... again recommended but never done on probably 90% of the cars on the road

Now to the Prowler, many people are doing more maintenance that is recommended to prolong the life of the vehicle.

You are driving and abusing your car. You will need to replace your car since you do drive it. Because of the abuse and you do use it as a daily driver, I would change the Trans fluid & filter on a regular basis.

CJAnd there you go!!
Marty UsherHey - I just reviewed my service records - it is a fairly large stack of papers - and found out the tranny fluid was changed when they replaced the tranny cooler under warranty last year.

Also - I had a partial coolant change as I had a hose spring a leak and I replaced two gallons - also last year. So I have been practicing reactive rather than proactive preventative maintenance.

2000 Black with hand painted blue faded to purple flames

christinaWhy you ask, because it is black that is why. Just took out my car out of the garage last week, and I also drive her from sun up to sun down, 30,000km and she is running great. I hope I can say the same when I have as many clicks as you!

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