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Topic:Prowlin' Moddersville!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CJCouldn't pass up a lunch invitation from the Mayor and the First Lady of Moddersville and get to meet some new Prowler owners! Bob and I left the cottage early today to make it in time for the promised Italian cuisine luncheon put on by Mayor Meancat!!

It was great meeting new Prowler owners Dan and Mary Joslyn. Also got to see Jerry Nauman (1HotCat) again! Jerry and Kim, thanks for the great lunch and the hospitality. Oh, yeah....so where was my trophy for winning the Moddersville 4th of July races??

By the way........Kim and Jerry make the best Pizza in Moddersville.........it was EXCELLENT!!!

Meancat - The Mayor of Moddersville

The best Pizza in Moddersville!

Lunch with Mary and Dan Joslyn, Jerry Nauman (1HotCat), Jerry Wilson (Meancat) and Bob Longstreth (RPL).

Racing - Moddersville style!

Kim Wilson (The First Lady of Moddersville), The Mayor, Jerry Nauman, Dan and Mary Joslyn and their new Woodward!

cnote6Thanks and send MORE!!!!!!!
The first pictures I have ever seen of the infamous Moddersville.....
ALLEY CATGreat pictures CJ,,,thanks for posting them. It's great to see pictures of the owners,,,,we do so little of that in my opinion, usually it's just the cars. Who won the races?

Jerry - I see that meat scale in the top photo,,,,,,ever put your thumb on it?

You look a whole lot younger in those photos!!!!

What you been doing???

This message has been edited by 01Prowler on 07-06-2004 at 12:00 AM

meancatIt was fun having the first prowler event in Moddersville. I still think the races were rigged.CJ was a guest, so she drew the fastest golf cart.I have a lot too learn when it comes to racing.Please notice the for sale sign on CJ'S chest.Most people did not see that Jerry Nauman won the race over the golf carts.(he though he owed us money. Boy can this guy run)

This message has been edited by meancat on 07-06-2004 at 02:40 AM

davidnWOW...That is one good looking woodward...LOL
I can't believe I'm seeing Jerry behind the counter working...unreal!
Where is the pic of the thong collection?


meancatMost people don't know,But I do work very very hard.As far as the car I would like too know who silicone the center cap on the passenger side front? And what happen to the trailer hitch. out side of that a very nice car(little slow)


Randy CobbBeing a man in the gasoline biz, the Moddersville's fueling center is what impressed me the most


meancatRandy it's all high tech.We spear no expense here in Moddersville.(that blue tank in the back ground is not gas it kerosene)


Al's ProwlerCJ, Great pics, thanks for sharing.


CJWait a minute! You grabbed the cart with the flames and made me drive the one for sale..........and there is a reason it was for sale............slow!! We weren't racing for pink slips, we were racing for those flamed dice Jerry N was holding up!!

We conducted Prowler 101 classes for Dan and Mary. Now they know they are supposed to tie down the convertible top when stored and place the latches in the proper position. We showed them the proper way to close the deck lid. I found a small tear in their convertible top, so hopefully that won't turn into a big problem.

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