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Topic:Prowlers from the Somerville Car Show
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ProwlerGTSHere's some prowlers from the somerville car show. I'll post info later.

stock orange:

modded orange:


pumpkinThe modded orange is outstanting. Love the amp set up.


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BeWareThe cold air intake is AWESOME. Looks like it requires a modified radiator.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 08-01-2006 at 02:27 PM

392HEMIThat orange one has an aluminum radiator installed, looks bigger than stock. What I can't understand is the original right side cold air ducting appears to still be hooked up. If that is the case, what is the chrome air system in the middle of the grill and on around to the left of rad.? Check out the chrome stacks in place of the side lights. Left side faces forward and right appears to face to the back.
ProwlerGTSyeah I didn't quite understand the other one being backwards however the one facing foward is functional. Most of the car was built in california.

**Sorry forgot to mention it's paxton supercharged.

This message has been edited by ProwlerGTS on 08-01-2006 at 04:09 PM

Rpowell593That orange is quite sharp. Always like seeing new and different setups. That cold air intake seems like it would work pretty good ??
DanManWhat day is the Somerville car show? It's the first I've heard of it. Maybe 20 mins or so from the office.
ProwlerGTSIt's held every Friday during the summer I believe but I went on July 7 when it was viper club night. It's a different club every week.
392HEMIAh, a Paxton. I have seen Gene's installation down in Palm Beach, but this is very different. The use of the sidelights for venting hot air is unique and worth cogitating over. Gold one looks nice too.
GenoTexforward for intake, backward for exhaust? ???
GenoTexNice accent paint on that gold too!

adacusThe Gold:

Ladies / Gentleman

That is an elegant touch!!!!

DanManGot the Kat today. Heading to Somerville tonight for a couple of hours, and to the Whiskey tomorrow. Anyone else interested?

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