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Topic:Prowler w hardtop $26500
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http ://www.ebay.com/itm/Plymouth-Prowler-Leather-vinyl-1999-Prowler-with-TGF-Hardtop-/221536613832?forcerrptr=true&hash=item33949c75c8&item=221536613832&pt=US_Cars_Trucks

Looks like a pretty good buy. The mileage is a little high but nice car.So what is the real mileage? Kilometers?

Not crazy about the frog on the grill... Must be a Canada thing.. Just kidding,love Canada

This message has been edited by Gort on 09-03-2014 at 04:37 PM

beachcatThis is Eric Daley's (WQQDIES) cat. I can vouch for it being in excellent shape. The spinners and hardtop alone are worth $6K.
Originally posted by beachcat:
This is Eric Daley's (WQQDIES) cat. I can vouch for it being in excellent shape. The spinners and hardtop alone are worth $6K.

24,650 miles ??

Originally posted by beachcat:
This is Eric Daley's (WQQDIES) cat. I can vouch for it being in excellent shape. The spinners and hardtop alone are worth $6K.

Isn't 40,000 kilometers about 25,000 miles?

Good looking car with nice mods

Originally posted by beachcat:
This is Eric Daley's (WQQDIES) cat. I can vouch for it being in excellent shape. The spinners and hardtop alone are worth $6K.

Do you think the price is really in US dollars or a misprint?

beachcatI'm not 100% sure but I think Eric has already converted the kilometers to miles in the ad.
Originally posted by Gort:
Do you think the price is really in US dollars or a misprint?

If that was Canadian dollars, I would probably own it now.

Originally posted by beachcat:
This is Eric Daley's (WQQDIES) cat. I can vouch for it being in excellent shape. The spinners and hardtop alone are worth $6K.

So what's up with the frog?

beachcatPretty sure that is a cricket or grasshopper. I don't recall the significance but it's easily removed.
padrooI saw a grasshopper. I was going to ask if it was real or not?
Originally posted by padroo:
I saw a grasshopper. I was going to ask if it was real or not?

Canadian Roach?

Originally posted by Gort:
Canadian Roach?

catfishpost in correct section.


beachcatThere's a cannabis section??

This is the correct section. We are having a general prowler discussion about a member's car. We are not selling it.


wqqdiesTime to check in about my car(would have done so sooner but I use my iPad 99.9% of the time and have never been able to connect on it, so this is from an infrequent visit to my laptop). The mileage shown is 'miles'......the car shows about 66,500 in kilometers which means it has averaged 4,433 per year, or 2,750 miles.....by my definition hardly a high mileage car. I've priced "low" because the market is so weak that these and other special interest cars just aren't selling......also because I can't guarantee the convertible top condition, which has been under cover since the hardtop was installed 4 years ago (was good then), the driver's side window regulator is broken so that operation requires manual assistance and the tire sensor light is always on because there are no sensors installed (non-run flats). The grasshopper lives with me and will hop o to my next car.

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