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Topic:Prowler value headed north......
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DublinOHBAT auction results. Looks like 2023 leaves the $20k's behind and clearly shows a move into the $30's. I believe these cars are still under appreciated and will see a price jump in the near future. Unfortunately, v8s are beconing a thing of the past and soon V6s will be the mainstream performance motor.

What are your thoughts?

Stray CatTimely Post, Steve. Went to a classic car dealership in Springfield today. Was discussing my vehicles and when I mentioned Prowler, he said "that's a one-of-a-kind car that was only produced once and when you see one go down the road everybody stops. Those cars are going up and they are still way undervalued." Couldn't agree more...


ed monahanI think there is more interest now than there has been for the past 10 years or so. We stopped at a hamburger joint on Friday and a guy pulled in next to us, almost immediately and he said, "you don't see those very often". Less than one minute later a guy walked up and said the exact same words and then talked to us for about 15 minutes and said how much he liked the Prowlers.
The BAT chart is interesting but there were some highly modified Prowlers that went thru there so I don't know if you can compare apples to apples with it, but it does look promising. Plus inflation might also be a factor. I don't think I will be around to see the big bucks for them, unfortunately. But again, it is a good sign.
dskattPer Hagerty valuation tool

This message has been edited by dskatt on 05-07-2023 at 08:19 AM

dskattLast Sunday I was gassing up my Kat and a guy in his mid 20’s came up and said it was the coolest car he had ever seen, two other young guys approached and made similar comments, it was a scene we have all experienced .The only negative comments I have ever gotten came from older guys who probably read a “ it should have had a V8 article” years ago. The younger guys don’t have that built in bias and just accept the car for what it is. It reminds me of the negative attitude people had about the Ferrari Dino at one time. It wasn’t that long ago that a Dino could be bought for a reasonable price because “ it wasn’t a real Ferrari”, well they go for big bucks these days. The Prowler’s value will rise dramatically one day but who knows when that day will come.
garysssI follow BAT also, most of the high dollar Prowler's are low mileage and include the trailer. I do agree the price has been going up and I think many are starting to appreciate the Prowler for the unique one of a kind car that it is. Lets remember the 20-30 year old's were 9 or not born when last Prowler was made. Most have never seen one and like dskatt said, they haven't read all the bull$hit.
WildCatSure hope they hold or rise in value

Mine isn’t low mile or stock

Might be better off parting mine when time to go

Larry Mayes

garysssLarry, I don't think you will have any problems selling yours when the time comes. It doesn't matter to me what it sells for, I've enjoyed it and feel I got my money's worth out of it. I hope I can continue to get in and out of it until the end. LOL
ed monahanI got a call out of the blue on Saturday wanting to know if I wanted to sell the purple one. Then I got a call this morning looking for a Prowler, a friends son. He is probably about 50. Odd coincidence to say the least.
BeWareAt caffeine and octane yesterday someone asked if I would be willing to sell.

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