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Topic:Prowler trackday- autoX road course recap
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
treybProwler trackday- autoX road course day recap

This past weekend participated in my first full day autocross raceday. For those that may not be familiar it's a closed set course in a Timed race scenario with cones against time. In most cases it's normally in a closed large parking lot.

Im the type of guy that loves a good track day and I have mostly done do 1/4 drag runs  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mT-DrWWudI&feature=youtube_gdata_player

 but heard of this road course event that the Porsche club was hosting here at englishtown raceway in NJ. 

The kicker was it was on there racetrack vs a parking lot. I always want to get on a roadcourse but not allowed as a convertible without a roll bar.

I did autocross once before at a prowler event but this was awesome. Twists, turns, elevations, some wide open runs and really got to push and feel and drive prowler in a different way.
See this guys video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T__5ELHXRZY

This Had to be one of the best driving experiences I have had in my 10 years of prowler ownership.

The prowler handled really well in the turns and straights And left it in 2nd the whole time

Here is a few picts.

Me in the line up with the porches?Which one looks the best? Got tons of looks and complements from everyone.

I had a professional instructor during my first 2 runs in this one I'm taking the turns hard, looking forward to master the move!

Here I'm learning to power through a turn. He said floor it so I did!

All I can say is if you have a chance take it out and enjoy it! A track day on the prowl is a blast!!!

This message has been edited by treyb on 10-05-2011 at 07:30 PM

HowardSounds like a great time.

I think the orange cones are suppose to stand straight. LOL

treybActually the cones are pointed in many cases to give you direction on which way to take the turns. The course takes planning and learning the ins and outs as well as to follow the road as in normal driving. In certain sections they point them to help to stay on track with the course design. You lose points if you knock them over. The closer and tighter you are willing to take the turns the better your times.

This message has been edited by treyb on 10-05-2011 at 07:45 PM

ed monahanTrey, nice pics and your story about the cones already being down was the best part. lol
Just kidding. See you in a couple of days. Glad you showed the Porch guys what a cool car looks like.
garysssGreat info Trey. Looks like a great time. How much was it to do this?
treyb$50. They use it to rent the course. Here a list of some of the regional chapters, Im pretty sure there are simular clubs nationwide. http://www.autox4u.com/schedule.htm
padrooThat is really neat. I checked out their Website and found this video here.

I thought the blonde was going to pop!

treybthat is a funny video unfortunatly no models came on our track day. but had 2 nice older instructors that taught me the difference of power breaking, going through turns, pushing it etc. Which was great. highly recomend. makes you a better driver overall and yes you get those G turns. it does take skill but you can go at your own pace.

Awesome photos. How were your times compared to other cars?


EssexExportWhat Porsches?
treybnot extact sure how it all works. I wasnt the fastest but autoX is alot about drivers skill and most of the these guys have been doing this for many many years many where professionals. It kind of felt like a club sport, people earn points and trophies. They posted results and pictures below. I improved my time by over 19 secs. I Went for fun and to learn how to handle the car more than for times and just being fast!

If you have a chance to do it in your area! Try it! Its great!

time http://www.autox4u.com/2011results/englishtown%20ax%20110211_raw.htm

Event photos http://autox4u.zenfolio.com/p263948515

This message has been edited by treyb on 10-12-2011 at 04:36 PM

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