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Topic:Prowler that get a lot of extra attention.
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
padrooProwler that get a lot of extra attention.
koolktyOk, #5 and #9 are extreme enough (I included #9 in one of my videos), but #12 is downright offensive to any true Prowler fan. I can almost imagine the original Prowler buried underneath that horrible disguise is sadly purring and wishing "please kill me now".
WildCatguess since the guy down the street where I grew up has a custom painted 67 GTO called the Golden Goat and was the International points champ in 72/73 ISCA show season and again in 79/80 winning at invitational show in Vegas both times, had 57 coats of paint, 27 color and 30 coats of hand rubbed lacquer and was the bench mark for many show cars for years, I like most of the paint jobs, would guess Jerry's car had something to do with those. Wish I could have gotten the car, but was able to drive it in mid 2000's when they had it and several other cars at a local show and didn't have enough drivers to get them all home...... Barbara knew how much I loved the car and when I said I would drive one told me I could drive the goat.

The one they said was a prowler that was a disaster doubt it was, the other 2 not sure who owned the one but I like it and Jim's looks great.

padrooThat old saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".
TheoopHere in the swamps we call that FUGLY
hemidanI kinda like the late 60's early 70's musclecar paint jobs being a product of the 60's and 70's myself. I think the only color they offered when Ed was young was black and had a crank starter.

This message has been edited by hemidan on 05-21-2020 at 02:24 PM

Originally posted by hemidan:
I kinda like the late 60's early 70's musclecar paint jobs being a product of the 60's and 70's myself. I think the only color they offered when Ed was young was black and had a crank starter.

When you say "Crank Starter"....Do you mean the tool, or the person using it.

ed monahanI have a model A and it has a crank but they updated it and put in a starter. The crank is under the back seat.
hemidanHi Andria! I met the tool. I think Ed is too old to know about the other kind of "crank". He is way before the Woodstock era.Poor Sandy has to listen to the BIG BAND ERA all day long. Take Care and Syay Safe'/! My best to your parents.
hemidanEd! I had some of my best times in the back seat of a 72 Dodge Challenger. Don't knock the back seat, I did some of my best work there! lol

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