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Topic:Prowler people are great
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
WildCatas many know Sue had her SI joint fused on june 16th. She was in and out of the hospital the next day and up and about. But when down hill with her legs & feet swelling, pain in them and trouble walking. She spent from June 30th to July 7th back in the hospital to see what was going on.

Well they sent her home and still do not know what was the problem. She is still having trouble walking.

Last Friday Scott & Terri Williams called her and said they were coming to see her. This really made her day.

While I was at work Bill Healy called and said he would be coing thru Mooresville on Saturday and thought if she was up to it he would stop and see her.

It was great to see them and help lift Sue spirits by stopping to see her.

Thank you Terri, Scotty and Bill for making Sue's day/weekend

It was very tiring for her but she was happy for the company

Prowler People are the best

Larry & Sue Mayes

Marty Usher

I hope Sue starts to get better and feel like her ol' self real soon, Larry!

whealyI just thought it was a Prowler Event ... without Ed! It was great to see Scotty again and meet Terri. And it's always great to see the Wildcat family some of my first frineds from the site that taught me so much about the car. Amazing the friendships that have spawned from this wonderful site!

Here's hoping Sue is back on her feet again soon!

ScottyThe visit was over due. That is for Terry and Sue ... I stopped in on my way back from picking up a PT in PA just to say hello and Larry and Sue insisted that I stay the night.

Thanks for the hospitality and friendship.

It was good to see Bill ... have not seen him for some time. Have not seen a lot of my Prowler Friends for some time.

Larry you are right Prowler People are GREAT!


This message has been edited by Scotty on 07-23-2011 at 08:07 AM

meancatLarry, glad to hear Sue is feeling better, Hope the visit can inspire her to get better sooner. Maybe we'll see you guy's later this summer at Larry Bell's. Hope all go's well.


galaxieLarry, Hope Sue is getting better & hope to see you both at NHN thei year.

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