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Topic:Prowler on my street
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bbcarI was out side cleaning my wifes PT/Cruiser and talking to my neighbor when he blurted out there goes a black Prowler I jumped up and all I saw was a big truck going down my street, my wife says I should go look for him but I figure he is long gone. i decide to back my Prowler out of the garage and if he comes back the same way he will see it and stop. Well he did come back and he did stop, not black but Muholand blue. he bought it here in St.Louis a couple of weeks before I bought mine. His name is Bill and he did not know about prowleronline, but he does NOW. I also told him about the Gateway Prowler event and Bianca went in and printed the info of the site so he would have all the dates of what is going on. He bought his car new from Ziser Dodge for 32,000 WHAT A DEAL for some strange reason they had a extra nose already painted and gave it to him. Hopefully he will come to the Gateway Prowler event.
ALLEY CATGood deal Barry,,,,keep spreading the word about the POA.

ed monahanI got a phone call on Thursday that a fellow named Tom wanted to buy a purple Prowler. I told the guy who called me that I only knew of one Purple, locally. I tried calling Tom but he was off work that day. Thursday evening at the cruise-in, a fellow came up and said he wanted to ask a few questions. Turns out it is Tom. He has a line on a Purple with a trailer in MINN but wants to see a Purple before he pulls the trigger. He told me the price and I told him to pull the trigger NOW. He did not know about POA but I told him about it.
Friday I got the local Purple owner's phone number to Tom and hopefully he went to see it today. We should be getting a new owner and another POA member soon.
I won't post the price until it is a done deal.
bbcarED it amazes me that more people do not use the internet, the first thing I did when I decided to buy a Prowler was just type Prowler on AOL and start going to the different sites Thats how I found prowleronline. Bill was the third Prowler owner I have talked to that did not know about prowleronline. I tell all of them about it however it is up to them to follow through. When I have time I go back to the begining and start reading threads and it is unbelieveable what I have learned about Prowlers from this site. I love going to this site and all the members here are SUPER helpful when you have problems or questions.

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