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Topic:Prowler on Ebay
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
garysssI like what they did with wheels.
BeWareI like chrome better.
ALLEY CATFrom ad: ",,,,,the car is missing the right front interior door handle bezel."

I hope the back doors have their handle bezels, lol

SirRealI miss the good old days when if you had black painted rims it just meant you couldn't afford chrome rims. I look forward to when the black rim fad fades.
Chrome or go home

JeraneWI am with you. Look like "junk yard" wheels.
Originally posted by SirReal:
I miss the good old days when if you had black painted rims it just meant you couldn't afford chrome rims. I look forward to when the black rim fad fades.
Chrome or go home

Marty UsherI like the black wheels....it is the chrome fad that has faded. I still like chrome wheels on a lot of cars also but always go back to people can do what they want to their car. One thing I miss in most the current wheels offered today is deep dish rims....I would probably change the wheels for that reason before I would looking for chrome
LargentI really like the wheel barrel painted red.
These probably look better in person than in pictures...
WildCatchrome is becoming a thing of the past due to EPA

chrome plating is dirty and environmentally unfriendly so it is getting harder and more expensive to get it done.


Chrome is my wheek of choice. Have spent a lot of money on shiney chrome wheels for my cars.

I take the wheels off my mustang and put the factory silver painted ones on for the winter, the Dart & Prowler do not get driven when there is any salt on the road.

Don't understand the blacked out cars but we build a lot of new cars with sport package. They put black moldings, door handles, wheels, mirrors ans even black out headlights and tailings some. Like the black grills over the silver in the cars, but the rest SUCKS!


During WW II chrome was removed from cars and they looked cheap compared to the ones with chrome.

Sue has polished aluminum wheels on her Flex, chrome would look a whole lot better.

For those with peeling chrome wheels something needs to be done, but if it come down to it I would only do the barrels if they needed fixed.

Larry & Sue Mayes

mslc10Black rims are just that ... Black. You can't see any definition or style due to darkness. And then , why spend $$$ for custom wheels when you can' t see the style or details? Especially if you didn't change width or backspace? Still didn't fill the wheel well. Just my 2 ( wow .... I just notice I don't have a cent sign...ha) cents. Just paint cheap rims black and save big $$$$!

I have chrome and when they pit I will try to find someone that can do a silver shiny powder coat or anthracite. I like the look of anthracite on a wheel.

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 02-02-2017 at 07:23 PM

V-RodI like them but wouldn't do it to my Prowler, my motorbike however has the red stripe on them.

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