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Topic:Prowler items available including Steering Wheel & Air Bag
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
alrtgMany of you know I sold my Prowler a while back but had a few extra parts I had accumulated during my years of ownership.

At this moment I still have a few items that my be of value to someone here. These are not being advertised anywhere else.

Item 1. Steering Wheel with Controls and Air Bag but no Clock Spring. $650.00 plus shipping.
NOTE: My asking price will only increase as the cars get older. The correct Air Bag is not an easy item to source.

Item 2. Sun Visors. $150.00 plus shipping. SOLD! Thank You

Item 3. Koni Shocks w/o springs $100.00 plus shipping. SOLD & Shipped
These are Front Shocks and they have been stored in a horizontal position for several years.
It has been reported that this sometimes could be detrimental to their functionality so I can't guarantee that they are actually any good at this point but then again they might be just fine. I really don't know.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 04-04-2024 at 04:18 PM

alrtgItem 4. Exhaust Manifolds. Make Offer I think these are for the 1997 only and know they are not for later years.
I purchased these before I knew there was a difference.

Item 5. Exhaust System for 1999-2002, mostly complete with Exhaust Manifolds with heat shields & hardware, catalytic converters, O2 sensors, muffler & tailpipes.
This set up was accumulated from three sources over the years and although I believe it to be complete, I can't guarantee it. $750.00 plus shipping but pick up is available here in Maryland or at a Chrysler's at Carlisle Event.

For what it is worth, I may still have the FRONT Rotors and OE Pads as seen in the last two photos but would need to look for them if there is any interest to confirm I actually still have them or not.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 03-16-2024 at 10:15 PM

KpetersI’ll take the sun visors kirk
Originally posted by Kpeters:
I’ll take the sun visors kirk

Sun Visors Sold to a Repeat Buyer....Thank You.

alrtgFor what it might be worth...The Steering Wheel with the Air Bag was removed from a low mileage 2001 Mulholland Prowler that was highly customized early in it's life.

These are photo's of the car I was told it was removed from at the time I purchased it along with several other "Take Off" items.

I have had this wheel stored in a spare bedroom for 11 years.
Here is a link to the topic I posted back then. http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum6/HTML/009555.html

This message has been edited by alrtg on 03-17-2024 at 11:31 AM

mslc10Why do I not find that car attractive?

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