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Topic:Prowler is gone
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Eddie PowellI watched a GENTLEMAN (Harris Botnick) drive the Prowler out of my driveway for the last time yesterday. I hope he has as many "smile miles" as I did.Harris is a car guy and I'm sure he will be posting here very soon. I will be hanging around to chime in at times. I can't leave all of the fantastic friends we have made over the years. Thanks for the great memories. I will still be in touch, just without a Prowler.
POOLKATGood luck being Prowlerless. Why the change? Did something else replace it?


SimonsezEddie tell me it isn't true! You (and your beautifully done Prowler) were always such a delight. We will all miss you and Jean at our many events. Good luck to you two in the future.
BeWareEddie my very good friend. Sorry to see your Prowler go, but I understand the reasons you gave when we spoke the other day. If and when you you get the urge let me know I will bring our Prowler by your house so you can take it for a spin.

PS. Don't forget to have Jason call me about painting our Kat hauler.

David Veu CasovicEddie, sorry you sold the prowler and thank you for the great memories.
ed monahanSay it ain't so. I can't believe it. Sorry to see you sell it and we will miss you at the events. Keep in touch.
garysssI hate to see people selling, but I know it happens for many different reasons. Good Luck and hopefully you bought something else fun to drive.
Pat and JonieEddie and Jean,
So sorry to hear you sold the Prowler. Hope we will still see you two at Prowler Events, so we can hear some of your great stories.
You can drive your Mustang and pretend it's a Prowler with a V8. No one will ever know! LOL
Pat and Jonie
Blue KatHate to see you let it go too . . . and Rich's ofer goes for me too, plus mine is a Mulholland!
SuperKatHard to believe. You have many friends here and most of us have a prowler to put you in when you get the urge.

That Mustang may be looking more and more like a prowler.
See ya soon

CJSorry to hear you sold the Prowler, but you'll always be part of the Prowler family (and it doesn't matter what you drive to the Prowler events!!)
BotKatI am the VERY lucky man to get Eddie's wonderful car! I can't believe it is actually mine. I have admired the Prowler for years and finally came to terms with selling my 1969 Firebird convertible to move a Prowler in. (I'll post info about the firebird for anyone in the market for some more American Muscle in the classified.) It is a honor to have Eddie's car. He did everything I would dream of doing to the car. For the record I told Eddie he has an open invite to come by and grab the Prowler anytime he needs a fix! Looking forward to meeting you guys and your cars in the near future! Harris
myellowc5Eddie gave me a Prowler hat the first day I got my Prowler. There was a Chrysler show At Southlake and I stopped on my way home. Still have the hat!
Eddie,,,,,Sorry to see you sell the cat, but we have enjoyed your time and input on the website.

Like many past cat owners,,,,stay along with us in our travels....

Good luck!


Eddie PowellWhen i bought the Prowler it fit our needs, but with the addition of two little grandgirls that love to ride it became too small. I will be looking for a 30's model sedan so all can ride. I'll still be hanging around. Once you are a part of this Prowler family, you can't just leave!
RADCAT RICHTake care Eddie, you had a beautiful Cat, now Harris will enjoy and continue the memories

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