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Topic:Prowler in a newly released video game!!!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
wuzzzerSince no one else on here has posted about it yet, I figured I'd be the first.

I just purchased Gran Turismo 4 for Play Station2 and I must say this video game has THE best graphics, gameplay and realism of ANY car video game EVER!

There are over 650 cars you can drive and each car is so well detailed you have to believe it to see it.

I entered the American car area, chose the Chrysler cars and lo and behold, there's a Prowler! It's availabe in several colors, yellow, Inca gold, black, etc. I haven't been able to drive it in the game yet because apparently you have to either win it or complete a certain portion of the game in order to purchase it.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know in case you have a chance to play the game or if you own it yourself.

Black Tie 161You mean it's out already?!? I thought it was delayed until March! uh-oh....I have to get it now...how long has it been out?

Yes we've been watching the release of GT4 here and there are a few threads..this one has a link to a 44 meg download of a movie of 2 Prowlers racing thru a city.

DandersonHere's a screenie I found...


This message has been edited by Danderson on 02-24-2005 at 06:18 PM

Nasty Catcool

This message has been edited by Nasty Cat on 02-24-2005 at 06:25 PM

CJThat's cool.........I don't play video games, so I wouldn't have known about it. Nice that the Prowler was included.
halicatnice.... and only 1,000,000 bucks ! or is that yen ?
Bcoffman Gray Ghost
Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
You mean it's out already?!? I thought it was delayed until March! uh-oh....I have to get it now...how long has it been out?

Yes we've been watching the release of GT4 here and there are a few threads..this one has a link to a 44 meg download of a movie of 2 Prowlers racing thru a city.

GT4 was featured on "The Apprentice" last night. Anyone watch it?

Black Tie 161I just ordered a copy from EB.

Did you guys know the game has a feature that let's you park your car anywhere and take virtual photos within the game? supposedly you can be able to print them somehow.

ProwlerGTSI'll have video of my kat tomarrow. Right now it's orange with 426HP. Got the car up to 198 with nitrous. The only downside to the prowler (or any other special car) is that you can't race it. The only time you can is in the Arcade mode. Right now I own 3 prowlers in the game and I'm happy with them...just not happy how they put the game together. There's so many pros and cons.
Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
You mean it's out already?!? I thought it was delayed until March! uh-oh....I have to get it now...how long has it been out?

Yes we've been watching the release of GT4 here and there are a few threads..this one has a link to a 44 meg download of a movie of 2 Prowlers racing thru a city.

That post was the whole reason why I bought the Play Station... Only available for PS2... I never had a game system growing up, but had to do it for this. Now the next stet is installing a 21 inch flatscreen in the Kat trailer with full suround sound!!! Have to do something at car shows or when it rains at POA events

Thank you for posting Wuzzzer! I agree the Grand Turismo Series are the best driving games you can get. $50 well spent!!! I did not know it was out yet... I knew there were a lot of delays getting it out. I heard there are a lot of Mopars you can drive as well & the graphics just get better & better!


wuzzzerYou're welcome! I'm having such a blast playing this game...the cars are amazing!

Since the Prowler is listed in the Chrysler garage, at some point in the game you WILL be able to buy it and race it in the regular 'Gran Turismo' mode, not just the 'Arcade' mode. It will either be a case where you win the car after a certain series of races or after you complete a certain percentage of the game.

I've learned from another car forum that you can hook up a USB drive and store pictures of your cars on a flash memory card and upload them to your computer!

Other American cars in the game include a 300C, Hemi Cuda, Buick GNX, 427 Cobra, Crossfire, several Vipers

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