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Topic:Prowler Wheel Factory Explosion
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SkidmoreI was just traveling home from Markle, IN about 8:20pm and Tonight, I saw a huge orange explosion towards Huntington, IN. Calling my guys in town they said the Hayes Wheel Factory had exploded (this is where the Prowler wheels are made) and all roads are shut down by the police. I know a few people in town that work there. PLEASE say a prayer for them! It looks pretty bleak. A guy that works for me said the explosion caused the roof to fall in. (it is in the middle of a big 2nd shift)

Your wheels may become hard to get. Not that this is anything compared to the human lost. I`ll keep you updated as I get information.


ed monahanI thought the wheels were made by American Racing. Does Hayes own American Racing or is it a subsidiary or is it a brand they produce. I may have my info all wrong, too.
cmblockhussure is sad that some folks may have been hurt or worse lost a life.

as Ed said all the wheels I have replaced for others have had an American Raceing decal on them when they get to the dealer and I belive they are in California.


CJThat was our impression also, Ed..........I have sent a note to my contact at Mopar to find out for sure!
Top KatAll information I have indicates that American was the only Manufacturer.

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