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Topic:Prowler Value Update - Sept 2006
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
elambethAs you may know, the Carmax chain of auto dealerships has a policy where they will write you a no-dicker offer to purchase your used car, regardless of whether you are trading in to buy a new car from them.

Out of curiosity to see where they would put the market value at, I had them write up an offer on my 2001 Prowler this past labor day weekend. This was on a Mulholland edition prowler, totally stock except for aftermarket alarm, with 6k miles and totally garage queen immaculate in condition. They offered me $27,000. (Incidentally, they rated the vehicle condition as 'good/consistent with age'. This, for a one-owner vehicle which has been garaged since the day it rolled off the dealer's lot, has never been in the rain, and is washed/waxed with tender loving care regularly... I wonder what it would take to get them to rate a vehicle as 'above average' condition??!?!?)

This was in Dallas, Texas.

MIKE GATLINAbove average condition would be your car in exactly the same condition (without laying a detail cloth on it) for sale on their lot for $36,500.
1buddycCarmax has TERRIBLE customer service..I sold them my '03 F-150 SuperCrew and when all was done they said "Is there anything else we can do for you?" I said "just give me a ride home, please" (I was stuck, the wife was at work for 4 more hours, my kids have families and jobs of their own). They said "Oh, we dont do that.." I said, "well just drive me in my old truck to my house and I'll get out". They still said No. I asked to see the GM. A guy comes out wearing the Carmax Tee Shirt and Shorts and says "Can I help you?" I thought he was a Porter so I said "Thanks, but I'm waiting to see the GM". He says "I am the GM..." I said, "Hey, How about a ride home?" He says "Sorry we dont do that". I say, "I'm stuck. How about you let me road test my old truck to my house with one of your Salespeople, and I'll get out and the Salesperson can take the truck back to you?" He says, "Take a Cab.." and walks away!! I couldnt believe it. I told him that I was going to be that one customer he heard about in all his Customer Satisfaction Seminars that would tell 12 people not to buy from his store if they were treated unprofessionally or poorly. His last comment was, "SO WHAT?" Called my Realtor Son and he stopped what he was doing and gave his old Dad a ride back home. It still makes me angry when I think about the whole deal...And if anyone wants a fine '03 F-150 SuperCrew, Carmax has one that they only want $18,599.00 for, with their No Dicker Price. By the way, they gave me $14000.00. And anybody who knows me, knows that my truck was kept in "Above Average Condition" I hope this story explains what they mean with their Dicker Price. Moral, do 1buddyc a favor and dont buy from Carmax! GRRRRRR..

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 09-06-2006 at 03:57 PM

MIKE GATLINSo Buddy, you essentially did them a $4600 favor to be treated that way. If you want, and if you have an email address for the GM, I would be happy to cut and paste the heart and soul of your message and send it to him as one of at least 12 people who now knows more about his Carmax business than he would like.
1buddycThanks for the offer Mike- That's the problem...I have looked on the Carmax Website and there isnt ANY area to send an email or message to Anyone in Corporate or Local. There isnt even an area to leave good comments, let alone critical ones. Believe me, I've looked. I was in the Customer Service business for over 30 years (Dealership Bodyshop Manager) and cant tell you how many times we did a little extra for our Customers....mainly because it was the right thing to do. That's why this whole Carmax issue chapped me so badly. They JUST DONT GET IT and they dont give a s**t either! So Mike, just tell 12 of your friends what happened to me and maybe if enough of us do it, it might make a small difference.
Thanks again and sorry for venting, Buddy.
Originally posted by 1buddyc:
...I have looked on the Carmax Website and there isnt ANY area to send an email or message to Anyone in Corporate or Local.

Take a look at their Code of Conduct:

And then I'd start with their VP of HR:

"Issue Resolution Office (800) 626-2053 (where the call is directed to the Vice President, Human Resources)."


P.S. - If you go to the Investor Relations area, they list the names of the President and other officers, and then you have at least 2 choices:
1. Snail Mail
2. Email to Customer Service and ask that it be forwarded to the president

1buddycThanks Grrowl for the info. I will continue to try to contact someone in authority who will hear me out..I dont believe the Code Of Conduct specifically applies to my incident, as my concern is basically a common sense issue. But at least I have a place to start now...Thanks again, Buddy.

This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 09-06-2006 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by 1buddyc:
Thanks Grrowl for the info. I will continue to try to contact someone in authority who will hear me out..I dont believe the Code Of Conduct specifically applies to my incident, as my concern is basically a common sense issue. But at least I have a place to start now...Thanks again, Buddy.
I used the Code of Conduct approach once ("I can't believe that CitiBank supports their Customer Service People lying to your customers") and received VERY quick, (overly) fair resolution.

brianwlongCarmax is terrible....what can you expect from a company who has a manual on how to sell cars and offers a no haggle insane price. They've got the market with the no haggle thing though....never could understand it. If people would just do a little homework they would find deals for thousands less than them anytime. It's the kind of place that has to go through 12 layers of management to change the color on an ad. Lazy man's way of feeling he got a good deal if you ask me. You don't have to haggle for 6 hours at a dealer to get a good deal....all you got to do is go online.
onecatnodogSee Brian: Great info would be lost with out you and your input. THANKS...onecatnodog
bjprowlerMISSION ACCOMPLISHED 1buddyc!!!!

At last count there were 303 views of this post....I'd say you got your "pound of flesh".....and we got the message....Ain't revenge sweet?

adacusI have a Vtech cordless phone. The belt clip broke off. Called customer service, part promptly replaced.

45 days later, that clip broke. Called customer service, they said the phone was no longer under warranty. I argued that the part is poorly designed and should be recalled AND replaced. THEY BLEW ME OFF. BASICALLY OR SHALL I SAY ACCIDENTLY HUNG UP ON ME. I SAID F*&K IT. I got their corporate phone number. Pretended to be an interested stock buyer and got the presidents name and hung up the phone.

Next call, I called the PRESIDENT OF VTECH. I got his administrative assistant, her and I talked and she said you can't talk to him about this, I replied bull, I'm a customer and I want to talk to the one person who make a decision (NOTHING LIKE GOING TO THE TOP) Let me talk to him. She placed me on hold, came back a second later "Mr. Dacus, I have talked to customer service and your part is being SHIPPED OUT today."

I replied back "Thank you, that's all I was asking for"

Originally posted by brianwlong:
Carmax is terrible....what can you expect from a company who has a manual on how to sell cars and offers a no haggle insane price. They've got the market with the no haggle thing though....never could understand it. If people would just do a little homework they would find deals for thousands less than them anytime. It's the kind of place that has to go through 12 layers of management to change the color on an ad. Lazy man's way of feeling he got a good deal if you ask me. You don't have to haggle for 6 hours at a dealer to get a good deal....all you got to do is go online.

Versus dealers that don't know what they are selling and play bait and switch games up to and including financing? Or running out to your car before you get a chance to even open the door to see what you want to buy? (FYI-best way to make them leave you alone is tell them you are there to pick up a car in the service department. You'd think yout told them you had AIDs or something by how quickly they vanish...)
I'm not defending CarMax but, "regular" dealerships are not exactly a cakewalk either.
The one thing I can say about CarMax is they give ALOT more for trades then regular dealerships and you don't have to buy anything to get that money.


...and you dont have to buy anything to get that money.

Other than walk home....

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