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Topic:Prowler Trailer: Let me count the ways
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Richard JacksonHow may ways can you list for using your Prowler Trailer?

In a parade (drive slowly)

halicati guess giving is some gas would engage the "Auto Dump" option....
Originally posted by halicat:
i guess giving is some gas would engage the "Auto Dump" option....

OMG...Jim...that's the first thing I thought of.

Seriously though...how secure are those two folding chairs in the trailer? Still a great idea though no matter how you look at it.

BeWareBolt the chairs to a board cut to fit the entire floor of the trailer. You could even fasten the board down.
texasprowleri thought of doing something similar but have it drawn by horses like a chariot or humans like a rickshaw
ed monahanI use a bungee cord to secure them. Much more "exciting" for the grandkids. lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I use a bungee cord to secure them. Much more "exciting" for the grandkids. lol

Do you secure the chairs or the grandkids with the bungees? Just curious.

ed monahanThe chairs. I have plenty of grandkids. lol
Dale BeamanIt seems like you would exceed the suggest tongue weight!
Marty UsherDale - it depends on where you put the weight. If the chairs are on top of or behind the wheels it should not be a problem. Two people - even most adults - weigh less than the total payload the trailer can hold.
SimonsezI always wondered how we could make a "rumble seat" for the Prowler. What a great idea! Instead of lawn chairs some bucket seats would work.
ed monahanBruce, I have some old 5 gallon buckets if you need them for seats.
CJOther than using it for what it was intended....I've also been known to take it to Sam's for shopping and the garden nursery!

TooHipCat That's the most stylish potted plant transport I've seen!

Originally posted by CJ:

cnote6Well the trailer is on the way to you Richard. Marty just picked it up.

Enjoy it!!!

Richard JacksonChris, thanks for all you help. Ed and I will meet Marty and his better half in Louisville for dinner on Wednesday.

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