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Topic:Prowler Store - Last chance this year for Seat Belts Pads, Shirts, & Jackets by Christmas - the order is going to Vendors on December 1
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
FL PhilGreat news we just got off the phone with our vendors and they will process the jackets and seat belt order without having the minimum this time so everyone will have them before Christmas.

Also, I added some Denim shirts and a Ladies 3/4 Sleeve V-Neck T-Shirt that also do not need to meet minimum quantities.

So if you have been thinking of ordering but felt you would not get your order in a timely manner now is the time.

Thank you for your patience as we go thru this learning process together and especially the people who had ordered in September. Thank you again for your support.

Dave MillsThanks for your efforts Phil.
BeWareJust ordered a pair of seat belt pads.
FL PhilThe jackets will also be ordered on December 1 so if you were thinking about a jacket now is the time.
ChromerHi Phil,

Great news! Not sure why I had no idea about this fantastic opportunity? My check is near the mail for the antiqua jacket and Logo and cat floor mats + shipping. Is the driver name (in addition to cat logo)still being offered for the jackets?

You have a PM.

Thanks, Chromer

CJChromer.........quit spending your time up in those mountains with JWD and start paying attention to the website! lol!

Phil and I have had the store open for a little while now and are encouraging Christmas gifts!!

We will continue to add new items on a regular basis.

Merry Christmas!!!

Hmmmmmmmm.........do we need to add dogwear too?

ChromerYO CJ,

Yes more dogwear would be good too. Jack still wears the Prolwer shirts you got 'em in 2002.

Also, I talked to Phil on the phone yesterday about my order and I intend to place it today. My question is on sizing. Phil said you had the jackets in Texas and might know what size would fit me best?

You have a PM.


BeWareChromer you are a day too late to reach CJ. She and Bob left this morning heading for the Daytona Turkey Run.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 11-24-2004 at 09:49 AM

Originally posted by BeWare:
Chromer you are a day too late to reach CJ. She and Bob left this morning heading for the Daytona Turkey Run.

Beware - thanks for the response, I'll go ahead and order my Men's Jacket, Belt pads and floor mats today.

FL PhilChromer,

You can talk to CJ on Monday and Tuesday of next week about the Jacket sizes and just email or give me a call if you want to change the size.


I just sent you a long winded email and order. Send a PM with your phone number or call me.

xpguyThanks for the update. Appreciate the extra effort.

Happy Holidays,

FL PhilGuy,

You'll have your seat belt pads before Christmas.

The Midnight Blue on the black pads may be pretty dark. I did a sample with the floor mats and we decided to have a blue that is close to the color of the pin stripe.
Do you want me to change your order to blue from the midnight blue?

Thanks again for your patience.

FL PhilI added another product and also put links to print the order forms on the Prowler Store Home page.

The word document displays and prints the best and I am working to try to make the other HTLM version more readable.

FL PhilLast chance before Christmas to order Jackets, Seat Belt Pads, & Shirts from the store.

Hoping you'all have a Happy Holiday's!


This is a great opportunity to get some cool stuff including a Prowler jacket.

Quit messing around and get our stuff ordered ( ) !

FL PhilThe orders will be going into the vendors tomorrow night so this will be your last chance if you want receive the merchandise before Christmas.

Happy Holidays!

This message has been edited by CA Phil on 11-30-2004 at 09:47 PM

FL Phil6 hours to go before the orders get sent to the vendors.

6:00 PM Pacific time is the cut-off time.

Originally posted by Chromer:

Quit messing around and get our stuff ordered ( ) !
AND delivered!!

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