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Forum:General Prowler Discussion
Topic:Prowler Store - Important Information - Please Read
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
FL PhilProwler Store Customers:

There will be a change in ordering some of our Prowler Store merchandise. The Michigan vendor that CJ has been using for the past 5+ years, Imperial Marketing, is downsizing and will no longer be able to service us as a customer. As a result of this, the CA vendor that I have been using, Jack Nadel, will be supplying us with the same merchandise that has been affected by the Michigan vendor's decision.

As with some of our other merchandise, we will now have to submit a minimum order of 12 items (random items, not 12 of the same item). All items that begin with "IM" or "JN" will be subjected to the minimum order policy. This may also make it possible for us to order monthly, instead of 2-3 months.

We are currently working with Jack Nadel on the pricing for the items being taken over from Imperial Marketing. Hopefully, we will not have to increase any prices, but we will keep you updated.

CJ and I want to thank Imperial Marketing for supporting our Prowler Store and thank Jack Nadel for picking up the new items and adding them to the merchandise they already supply! Thank you, also, to the Prowler owners for their support of our store and your understanding of the changes we had to make.

CJ & Phil

This message has been edited by FL Phil on 04-22-2010 at 06:28 PM

FL PhilWe Are going to try to keep the prices the same.

The item numbers will change but the items will be the same product Imperial Marketing supplied.

You can go ahead and order and I'll change the item numbers when I get them

Happy Shopping!


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