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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Prowler Performance Chips
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
jinsokuprowlerHey gang. I've been looking around and cant find anything, I'm wondering if there is a performance tune for our cars.. my last car, a Pontiac solstice..i had bought a tuned ECU for it, and it bumped up another 15 horsepower out of the factory setup,increased fuel economy, and removed any rev limiters/governors.. is there anything like this out?
alrtgThere are products out there that claim they can improve the performance of the Prowler. DO NOT BELIEVE IT!

From what I understand, Chrysler/Plymouth has already tweaked all the performance that is available from the start. People here repeatedly tell others not to waste their money on this type item.

It has been suggested that you should start with a different air intake, exhaust, headers, gears.
I am sure those with more experience will give you their two cents worth.

My car has all the above and runs like a "Scalded" Kat.

jinsokuprowleryeah theres always those universal "chip" things.. thats the best way to fry your electrical system.. i was talking more of a acual replacement of the ecu thats possibly flashed or what not.. i know they did beef the motor up from a 300m, just wondering more for the rev limiters than anything..

where can i find intakes for this beast? the only thing popin up is k&n drop ins for me?

any more pics of your car?

phil2237The Prowler engine is pretty much peaked out from the factory, don't waste your money on a chip.
Originally posted by jinsokuprowler:
,,,,,,, my last car, a Pontiac solstice..i had bought a tuned ECU for it, and it bumped up another 15 horsepower out of the factory setup,increased fuel economy, and removed any rev limiters/governors.. is there anything like this out?

where can i find intakes for this beast? the only thing popin up is k&n drop ins for me?

If you want to go for more,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 08-12-2009 at 05:46 PM

broakie56jinsokuprowler.......I installed a K&N intake (a gift from my son from the ProwlerStore.com) on my Cat in addition to removing the baffles inside the tailpipes. Gave it a little "umph" and sure sounds better now...especially when you "get on 'er"! Get the same K&N intake somewhere else online for 1/2 the price!
jinsokuprowlerhow do i remove the baffles? i used to have the k&n drop in on my old cat, i was just looking for something a bit more flashy
blackcatDrill out the rivets that hold them in and pull the baffles out with a pair of pliers.
catfishfyi,the motor is not a beefed up motor from the 300m.its the same motor excatly.there is no such thing as a beefed up motor.


Originally posted by jinsokuprowler:
yeah theres always those universal "chip" things.. thats the best way to fry your electrical system.. i was talking more of a acual replacement of the ecu thats possibly flashed or what not.. i know they did beef the motor up from a 300m, just wondering more for the rev limiters than anything..

As stated they did not change the engine but did reprogram the ECU for performance. The only thing you could possibly do is eliminate the rev limiter and change shift points but you won't get more horspower.

broakie56Here you go. This is my reply back to the guys when I asked the same question about removing the baffles. >>> Hey Guys.....used the right angle drill to remove the rivets and remove the baffles with pliers just like you guys suggested.....simple & easy enough! Using the right angle drill eliminates the need to drop the pipes down to access the rivets. Installed new dummy stainless rivets in the original holes for cosmetic purposes. On the inside of the tips which looked like ____ & raw afterwards, I taped off the inner 1.5" chrome portion of tips and sprayed the remainder of the inside tips with flat black high temp charcoal-grill paint....removed the tape for a very pleasing result/appearance (Looks far better than with the original baffles inside the tips)! Removal of the Baffles made very little difference in sound BUT something you might like to know, with this task completed in combination of a recently installed K&N cold air intake seems to have made the CAT more responsive (quickness/power)!

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