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Topic:Prowler Owner Manual Question
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
1buddycDid the 2000 Prowler Owner's Manual come with the Purple Cover with the Prowler Logo or is it a Black Cover with no logo....Anybody with a 2000 know for sure? Thanks, Buddy.
GRROWLNeither - white with blue printing/logo.


Marty UsherMy 2000 Owner's Manual is just as Grrowl described!

I think someone did the switch-a-roo on you?

(Just kidding )

Originally posted by 1buddyc:
Did the 2000 Prowler Owner's Manual come with the Purple Cover with the Prowler Logo or is it a Black Cover with no logo....Anybody with a 2000 know for sure? Thanks, Buddy.

This MAY be definitive. Let me know if it answers your question:
O.K., let’s get our terms straight here.

The 2000 “Owner’s Manual” is a softcover book with a white cover and blue printing.
There’s a matching booklet for the Warranty, which is also white with blue printing.
There are other papers that came with the car, such as the tire warrantee.
These were all contained in a vinyl “Packet”, which is a black vinyl embossed cover.

The photo appears to be a purple “Packet”.

If you go to www.techauthority.com and order the 2000 “Owners Manual”, you will get the white cover with blue printing (I did this and can confirm)

If you order the “Packet” (which I don’t see listed for 2000, so I’m showing the 2001 listing), I suspect that you will get the vinyl cover and papers OTHER THAN THE OWNER’S MANUAL

I THINK the answer you were looking for is “Black embossed”, but were referring to the Packet Cover, NOT the Owner’s Manual cover.

Here’s the 2001 listing from the above website:





1buddycI stand corrected, I was referring to the Packet Cover, not the actual paper cover of the manuals themselves. Looks like they all should have Purple Plastic covers with the Prowler Cat logo. Agreed?
cstallMy 2000 owners manual "packet" is black with an embossed logo - the logo is black too.
Do you suspect someone is trying to pass you a counterfeit owners manual packet?
Marty UsherMy 200 Owner's Manual is white with blue copy on it and the "packet" is black vinyl.
Originally posted by cstall:
My 2000 owners manual "packet" is black with an embossed logo - the logo is black too.
Do you suspect someone is trying to pass you a counterfeit owners manual packet?

my 2000 manual is like this one.. black with a black embossed logo

1buddycI purchased a nice 2000 Owner's manual with the rest of the things that come in the packet. The seller led me to believe that the Packet Cover was correct but when I received evrything, it came with a Black Packet Cover, but no Prowler logo. Guess it's a generic cover...

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