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Topic:Prowler Owner Arrested For Murder
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Y2KRedProwlerPhil Spector, famous record producer in Los Angeles, was arrested for murder today. They were just interviewing a neighbor on a local station here and asked the neighbor if he ever saw Spector, the neighbor said, "I see him going up to his house driving his PROWLER, it is really a neat car." There could be a new Prowler owner in the LA area soon...Robert Shapiro (OJ's attorney)is his attorney.
Will we be seeing Shapiro at our future POA events?
Todd CameronNot fun, I hope he didn't do it and I hope he gets off

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange, 2001 Silver, 2001 Muholland

FL Blue KatSaw it on the NBC national news. Showed the Prowler sitting in the driveway. Looked purple to me but then I'm color blind.


'01 Mulholland
All Stock (for now)

tangled up in BLUEAnother one of Spectors' cars from the past.....he is supposedly still involved in a lawsuit over this Cobra Daytona, claiming ownership of this car after 30 years of not knowing where it was??????......
Tom SantellaJust saw the Prowler on the news, from the helicopter. The whole thing seemed similar to another famous person who was charged with murder and had alot of heLicopter coverage. HMMMM....


Al's Prowler http://www.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Music/02/03/spector.arrest/index.html , how is it that he has bail set at $1 million on first-degree murder and Robert Blake can't?


Black Tie 161tangled...I remember reading all about that Cobra scandal in last yera's Car & Driver....quite an amazing story...
Originally posted by Al's Prowler:
how is it that he has bail set at $1 million on first-degree murder and Robert Blake can't?

1) Flight risk;
2) Suicide risk;
3) purported evidence showing he did it

Those are the ones I've heard.

Tom SantellaAnd now Robert Shapiro joins in. Another similarity. hmmmmm.

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