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Topic:Prowler Neon sign?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
brian99If you guys get a chance check out the neon sign I put on ebay and give me your honest opinion. The link is below. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&category=6755&item=2426233543

It has taken me 3 months to get this thing together. The neon guy has been a real pain in the butt and will only make me a few more. Said it is not cost effective for him since he is paid by the foot. The cat takes quite a bit of work to make all the bends and weld the tubes together. He did say he would make a yellow, blue and red if I want.
Anyway after all is said and done if this one sells for the $299 I will break even. May make alittle on the next few if they sell. I am not in this type business so it takes alittle time to get everything together. After I put out $40. for the artwork to make the neon, $60. for the neon, $80 for the 17,000 volt transformer, $40 for the walnut frame and $50 for the background, vinyl letters and assembly that about eats up $300.
Anyway let me know what you think. This first one was suppose to be Red, white and blue but the blue vinyl letters turn black behind the red neon. Still looks pretty good though.

Rich TildenLooks like you did an excellent job. The E-Bay listing indicates you are only accepting bids over $299 and nothing else. Can you make us (me) a special offer on the existing one shown - you know, as a fellow Prowler buddy????

(By the way, your e-mail address in your profile does not seem to work.)

This message has been edited by Rich Tilden on 08-02-2003 at 08:54 AM

CTProwlerVery nice job---I'm more of a contemporary type guy would prefer a brushed aluminum frame, silver etc. Not much for wood frames. I have many Contemporary abstracts. I was thinking of bidding on one, but was trying to figure out a place for it maybe in my garage. I'm sure if you have a half dozen or so made they will sell over time. I find myself looking every few days, and over time i've bought alot of prowler collectibles. Just more junk someone is going to throw away when i'm gone!!!LOL


Bcoffman Gray GhostPretty sharp. I agree. Most be a real pain to put together something like that. It does make a nice looking display though. I'm bidding.
BeWareLooks good.
brian99Thanks for the comments guys. I can't wait to see one in yellow or blue.
Sorry Rich but I am only making about $30. on that thing if it sells for $299. If I can find some cheaper transformers for the next couple but I doubt I will make more than 2 or 3 more. It's too much like work. I had to visit the neon guy at least 3 times and suck up to him to get anything done. Figured if I acted interested in his art, you know a bunch of BS flattery about how good he is. That was a real treat because he is a real jerk.
brian99Oh yea, thanks for the email reminder Rich. I totally forgot I changed email about 7 months ago and forgot to change my profile.

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