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Topic:Prowler Interior Color
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DonCould someone tell me what is the stock color, colors of the Orange Pearl Prowler interiors?


Originally posted by Don:
Could someone tell me what is the stock color, colors of the Orange Pearl Prowler interiors?


ALL prowlers (save one, one off model) have the exact color interior. I think the color name is something like agate. Kind of a charcoally black color.

cstallAll the Chrysler literature I've seen refer to the interior color as agate. Not exactly black - put a "black" floor mat in the car and you'll see the difference.
obi-wanThe interior color actually has a lot of purple in it. If you really look at it in sunlight you'll be able to see the purple. This is because of the original purple colors of the vehicles. I had this pointed out to me by my vinyl repair guy. He does dealership repairs for a number of dealers in this area. He said that he had done several early prowler repairs and discovered the color aspect early on. he has been able to match and repair my car and several others as well. You can't tell they ever have been touched. He also re-dyes my visors after the warning labels have been removed. I've watched him mix up the custom dye and am amazed at the amount of purple that goes into the mix.Just thought I'd get my 2-cents worth in here on this subject, Obi-Wan
DonThanks for all your help.

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