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Topic:Prowler Heater Hoses - OFFER CLOSED to avoid confusion
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
RPLThe long wait is over. The new heater hoses arrived today. I will ship all pre-paid orders today or tomorrow at the latest.

I will send either a PM or email to all that ordered a set reminding them about payment.

I have a few extra sets plus radiator hoses if anyone needs them.

This message has been edited by RPL on 01-03-2015 at 09:02 AM

Y2KRedProwlerThanks for all your efforts!
George JohnsonThanks Bob for all you do for the Prowler Owners.
Jim SThanks Bob.

This message has been edited by Jim S on 10-26-2010 at 08:58 PM

TFischerThanks Bob
RPLEveryone is welcome. I do these things because someone needs to ensure an affordable supply of parts to keep our cars on the road. The market isn't that large so one source can provide what is needed.

I was going to provide front splash guards. I worked with the original source and local tooling providers. Tom Mills and I had the same idea. His tooling source was more cost effective than mine and that helped keep costs down.

So what we need are people willing to help their fellow owners. I know that neither Tom or I could consider this more than a hobby and hope that we break even or make a small profit. I know that if I had an on-going business, I couldn't hold prices at the levels offered to fellow owners.

PURRFECTWe are so fortunate to have people like you and CJ, and Tom in our POA association helping us solve future problems before they occur... You guys are super stars in our book!
Thanks again Bob!
Wish you could join us for the Key West cruise next week; are you planning to join in the Michigan UP cruise next year?

Looking forward to getting our set of heater hoses...
Norm and Sue


BeWareThanks So Very Much Bob! I received my hoses today
nitrosteveHi Bob,

Got mine today, thanks again and thanks for all you and CJ do for all of us.

Steve & Kathy

alrtgThanks Bob!

Both sets of heater hoses arrived intact.

ALLEY CATHoses arrived today,,,,thanks again Bob, they look perfect!
Laddie RousselThanks Bob. Hoses arrived today...
Papa DonHoses arrived 10/28.
Thank you so much!
ControldaveMine arrived today (10/29).
They look great. As always, Bob, your efforts helping Prowler owners is greatly appreciated.
David Veu CasovicBob, got the hoses today and they look great and Walt and Pat got them to.
dskattI received mine yesterday. Outstanding job Bob, thanks.
2purpleBob, I also received mine yesterday. Nice to talk with you the other day.
galaxieGot mine, thanks Bob!!!
PURRFECTGot ours this week too.
Another Great job by Bob!
Thanks again,


John Colegot mine yesterday. thanks for your help.
firecatWe got ours yesterday, thanks so much Bob!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gene Snyder - Firecat
LDThey're Hereeeeee...THANKS BOB
We are so fortunate to have people like you and CJ, and Tom in our POA association helping us solve future problems before they occur... You guys are super stars in our book!
Thanks again Bob!
Wish you could join us for the Key West cruise next week; are you planning to join in the Michigan UP cruise next year?

Looking forward to getting our set of heater hoses...
Norm and Sue

Norm, and all, thanks for the kind words. We do it because we love the Prowler and have made a great many friends just by owning the car!

Norm, would have enjoyed a cruise, but our son is getting married on Nov. 20 and we are very busy with that. We will be in FL then for the wedding. With regard to the UP event, no, we won't be attending. Too many other commitments in June and we've been to those places many times already. I'd rather go somewhere new!

TFischerReceived mine on Friday. Thanks Bob!!

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