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Topic:Prowler Group picture at Smokies
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Laddie RousselWe have arranged for a professional photographer to be at the Smokies event in Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg. He will be available on Monday night and throughout the week.

The group shot is planned for noon Thursday at the TN Smokies Ballpark during our lunch break from the Prowler autocross. John Paul and Ginger are also working with the Biltmore staff on locations for individual shots of our Prowlers on Tuesday. The Biltmore only allows group shots before 8:00 am (so we had to choose another site for group shot).

The group pictures Full shot will be 10" x 40" to 48" depending on number of cars. Here's a picture Aerowarriors at Talledega.

Here's one of the detail shot which are combined to make the Full shot...

Here's a Fiat individual shot from the Biltmore Winery garden.


WildCatcan anyone make a full size cut out of my car since I will be back home and at work during the photo shoot

BeWare I have personally seen this picture it is really something to behold.
SuperKatThis is a super photo, every car clear as can be. We certainly can have something very special if we all participate in this photo. You will not believe the size of it.
Laddie, our yellow superbird is one car to the right of the blue one, exactly where the small photo was cut off for this post, darn.
Larry, I can bring a 1/64 for the shoot if you like. We can put you on the dash.

This message has been edited by SuperKat on 08-07-2003 at 09:18 PM

Top KatHey Laddie, has anyone contacted any of the MOPAR magazine people to cover this event?? And, has anyone thought of having a professional to video tape the event?? I'm sure many attendees would be open to purchasing a video as a keepsake and something to view in the winter months when we aren't driving our cars. I'm an old Drag Boat racer, and I used to purchase a video of every event I attended ( which was every week-end) in the summer months. Just a thought!!

"01" Blue: All bumpers removed. Rear roll pan with frenched license plate and back-up lights. Ghost flames. Hard Top. Chrome grill.

BeWare Larry, are you not staying the whole week?

This message has been edited by BeWare on 08-07-2003 at 09:48 PM

Kat DaddyI have the Aero Warriors Reunion photo on the wall in my office and can't wait to add the Prowler group shot. These are really awsome when you see them in person! Amazing clarity. John Paul does an excellent job. Be sure to see him Monday night for more details. Hopefully, he will have a sample to show us.

Great Idea - Where else will you ever see 100+ Prowlers in one photo? Thanks for setting this up!

SuperKatAs everyone considers the AM and PM racing sessions, please remember the group photo at noon. We realy need everyone in the shot. It will be super I can assure you of that.

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