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Topic:Prowler Depreciation
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
prowlerFreekHey Folks,

Long time browser... still not a Prowler owner though. Gotta keep the faith!

My financial situation suddenly became a lot better now that I'm officially recognized as a disabled vet by the VA... so I'm starting to day dream about Prowlers even more.

My main question is this. I have had my eye on Prowler prices for many many years now. But it seems over the last few years, the prices just will not fall below $24-25k for a decent low mileage Prowler.

Do you folks believe that the Prowler will stay at these prices or do u think they may appreciate or depreciate?

If I decide to finally bite the bullet, I want to have a little bit of confidence that if I do have to sell the car in the next few years, that I don't lose thousands of dollars on the car.

Let me know your thoughts!


garysssWow!! 10 years is a long time wanting one. I hope your able to finally get it. I think prices will stay around $25 until the economy starts getting better and then start going back up. There are no guarantees that's for sure. You can find a few for less and many for more, but $25-27 is the going price. Since you have wanted one for 10 years and now have a chance to get one, get it and enjoy it you only live once. You will never want to sell anyway, so don't worry about it.

This message has been edited by garysss on 02-29-2012 at 12:46 PM

EssexExportGo for it. There's nothing quite like owning one.
CJThere are never any guarantees on vehicles prices, unfortunately. The economy will dictate that. However, if you've wanted one that long, just do it!!! Hopefully, you wouldn't have to ever sell it!!! Life is too short, as we all know. May as well enjoy it!!!

And thank you for your service.

CJ - The One and Only
1999 Black - PPROWLR
2002 Deep Candy Red - CJPROWLN
2002 Black California Kid Prowler - CAL KID

The Prowler makes you smile. Why? Because it's focused. It has a plot, a reason for being, a passion. It evokes the hot rod. It evokes the American Dream. This car is the human psyche.

rraiteI don't think you will see a lower price for the Prowler.
Buy it and drive it, You will not regret it!!
onecatnodogThe Prowler will change your life, it did mine... It's way more than just a car.. The owners that have them are the real value in the car... Don't wait any longer... You just never know what can happen to you in life... If I could go back in time and know what I know now I would have picked up the Prowler before my Viper... It's nice to have them both, but the Prowler is the Hands Down best car in my little collection... onecatnodog
Dave MillsHaving purchased my Prowler new, I was fortunate in that I did not have to concern myself with price. That said, even if they fall a little more, it's not gonna be much, but they will start back up when the economy improves. The value is not in the car, it's in the friendships I have made over the past 14 years of ownership. Pull the trigger and participate. I don't think you will be sorry.
beachcataccording to a recent article,most prowlers are meticulously maintained. The largest contributing factor for resale is mileage. Color or year has little influence. So if you buy a low mileage prowler and put just a few thousand on per year. you should be good. If you but it for a daily driver, it will depreciate like other cars.
DON WIEBERif you are enjoying the cat then the price does not matter. it is one of the best investments we have made. you will have a smile on your face all the time.
JeraneWI was 71 when I purchased my new Kat. Friends asked me why I would spend so much on a car and thought I was "too old" to be driving a car meant for the "younger set." Well, it has been ten years since that purchase and I wonder what those friends think about it now (not that it matters). This is one purchase I never regretted, so buy one and enjoy it while you can. Even "Pops" get lots of smiles and "thumbs up."
WINDY CITY PROWLERI was in my 40's when i bought my prowler in 2003 and everytime i get in it i feel like a kid again. Especially this winter when i drove it just about everyday here in Chicago which is very rare as we haven't gotten much snow.
alrtgI was in my early fifties when I bought my used 2000 Prowler. The car had 13,800 miles on it. In three years I have driven it a little over 17,000 miles. The car now has just over 31K miles on it.

I got a good deal on the car when I bought it and could probably make a few bucks on it if I decided to sell it but have no intention of selling it anytime soon.

Like Dave said, the friendships that have come my way simply by attending events and having fun with the car are the real value here.

Pull the trigger, buy the car, be prepared for your life to change for the better, drive it, enjoy it, have fun.

The BIG bonus for me is that I get to share the experience with both of my parents. Dad is 81 years old and drives his Kat frequently. We have attended a few Prowler events together and the memories will last forever.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 03-01-2012 at 07:58 PM

prowlerFreekWell I definitely want to get one... and I'm tired of waiting! I'm going to keep an eye out for a 99 or 2000 red or black. Maybe this summer I'll be finally be living the dream *crosses fingers*

This message has been edited by prowlerFreek on 03-02-2012 at 12:55 PM

POOLKATPULL THE TRIGGER!! 2000 BLACK is by far the best. Everyone knows that. Can't go wrong, and yes, the people will make up for any depreciation, if there is any at all.


xtreme prowler
Originally posted by POOLKAT:
PULL THE TRIGGER!! 2000 BLACK is by far the best. Everyone knows that. Can't go wrong, and yes, the people will make up for any depreciation, if there is any at all.

Hell Yeah.... I'll second that !

POOLKATJim, does your registration say black? Is that an accurate description????????? You should have an entire designation all to your self.


xtreme prowler
Originally posted by POOLKAT:
Jim, does your registration say black? Is that an accurate description????????? You should have an entire designation all to your self.

color: formerly black, now bones and orange

Fred CainI was 50 when I bought my Prowler, my family owned a Chrysler dealership for 63 years, sold it in 1999. So we sold a couple Prowlers in 1997 and 1999. Said I should of keep one but did not have the extra cash at that time.I started a new business in NH and one day I was on my way to Lowes to buy a tool box and saw the Prowler in a showroom of classic cars, went in and looked at it and bought it that day ! Its been 5 years and love the car wish I had done it years before ! 1999 Prowler Red had 9000 miles on it.
POOLKATFred, the bottom line is you got one. Don't give it up. We all have stories on how we came to get ours. It is all part of the experience.


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