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Topic:Prowler Ajax Trailer
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
1st ProwlerOK, I have an Ajax trailer without a key, anyone have any ideas how to best get it open, aside from cutting a hole in the bottom as a last resort???? I did get a key that matched the car from the dealership, but that didn't work either??? (((Thanks))) Ralph Fronius aka 1st Prowler

This message has been edited by 1st Prowler on 01-22-2021 at 02:28 PM

DublinOHGood question for Andria regarding locksmithing. You could easily drill a hole saw hole in the floor by the latch and just use a rubber plug to seal it afterward. Not sure what a locksmith charges to open something without a key. You got a great deal on that trailer, hope it didn't come with a surprise inside!
1st Prowler(((LOL))) I was wondering the same thing
ALLEY CATWorth a try first:

You will need >

*'Monahan' Toilet Plunger from the Home Depot

Can of WD-40

Follow the video.... and let us know if it works!


* used for large toilet plugers

TLRandallWhen I first purchased my Purple, the key would not work for the trailer. Took it to a locksmith who drilled it out and replaced the lock. Did not have to cut any hole in the trailer.
1st ProwlerHa,Ha......Let me find my plunger & see if that works???? I'll let you know........
ed monahanThat's how they do it on MTV.
ZuluProwlerStrange, I was just thinking about this since I recently worked on my trailer. I doubt the suction idea will work since you don't have the linkages that made a very few of those applications successful. I would think a locksmith could pick it without much fuss. It's a simple barrel lock. If you do decide to drill the base be careful not to snag the carpet and add more costs.
garysssMaybe right key, but lock is frozen. Read below.
ZuluProwlerHere is what I find annoying. I unlock the deck lid and every time it closes I need the key to open it. The entire mechanism depends on the key to be the latch handle. I'd much prefer to unlock it and have access until I lock it. Leaving the key hanging from the barrel is not optimal. This is what I was referencing when I said I'd been cogitating. I guess the problem is the spring return setup that basically ensures it locks after every opening. Tough for you if you happen to drop your key in the trailer and then latch it. Since I have NEVER used my trailer for any excursions I have not really applied any thought to this but I'd really like to have a latch that does not lock up until I set it. Andria?
Originally posted by ZuluProwler:
Here is what I find annoying. I unlock the deck lid and every time it closes I need the key to open it. The entire mechanism depends on the key to be the latch handle. I'd much prefer to unlock it and have access until I lock it. Leaving the key hanging from the barrel is not optimal. This is what I was referencing when I said I'd been cogitating. I guess the problem is the spring return setup that basically ensures it locks after every opening. Tough for you if you happen to drop your key in the trailer and then latch it. Since I have NEVER used my trailer for any excursions I have not really applied any thought to this but I'd really like to have a latch that does not lock up until I set it. Andria?

Adjust your latch down so you have to put slight pressure on it to actually latch. Or place a rag on the latch before dropping the lid down.

If you ever watch the Mecum auction and wonder what the person (big guy Dan or pretty Blonde, Dans Wife Carol) on the red carpet that opens the hood and throws off to someone it is a little bag made to sit on latch so the cannot latch when moving the car

BeWareWhat Larry said. Plus If you haven’t done it you should reinforce the latch assembly.


padrooNot to change the subject Ralph but did you ever get your PCM sorted out?

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