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Topic:Prowler AKA 33 Ford
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
beachcatHow easy would it be for someone to make a 33 kit for a prowler? How about it Jim Sutton?

JeraneWThat is why I bought a Prowler. It was the best example of the old "rods" in my past, but yet without the maintenance worries.
BeWareIt has been done. This chevy powered Prowler was built for Dick Marriott. I wish someone would come up with a kit to make this conversion.

RPLJohn Lingenfelter did the power train, Chip Foose did the body work. Moved the front wheels forward with custom a-arms, laid the grille back into the hood and extended the rear fenders with a rear pan. Very nice work.
RichONot to mention emissions test. Gotta drive it on public funded roads
SimonsezThat certainly would pump a lot of Prowler owners blood.
Originally posted by BeWare:
It has been done. This chevy powered Prowler was built for Dick Marriott. I wish someone would come up with a kit to make this conversion.

I like the Dick Marriott version but I think if you're going to all that trouble, why not rake the grill back even more like on Hemisphere? For me it gives such a radical look.


Sure looks good without front fenders!

Originally posted by JeraneW:
That is why I bought a Prowler. It was the best example of the old "rods" in my past, but yet without the maintenance worries.

Exactly it my 28 highboy with airbags that I can hope in and drive to Vegas on a whim.

NRVOUSLove the lights and mirror's
Originally posted by BeWare:
It has been done. This chevy powered Prowler was built for Dick Marriott. I wish someone would come up with a kit to make this conversion.

ed monahanWhy tear up a perfectly good Prowler to change how it looks. Buy one already done like you want it or build one from scratch that looks like you want it. Much cheaper in the long run anyway and you can put in a bigger motor.
tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Why tear up a perfectly good Prowler to change how it looks. Buy one already done like you want it or build one from scratch that looks like you want it. Much cheaper in the long run anyway and you can put in a bigger motor.


Originally posted by ed monahan:
Why tear up a perfectly good Prowler to change how it looks.

Just for the fun of it!

jimsuttonI like the Prowler more than any 33 ..
jimsuttonBeachcat here is one a MG Miget into a Suttmobile
Originally posted by NRVOUS:
Love the lights and mirror's

Sorry they do nothing for me and I agree with the others why screw up a Prowler.

beachcatMany of us do mods to change the look of the prowler. Look at all the bumpers that have come off, aftermarket grills, hardtops etc.

Some like to keep them stock. Others like to personalize.

I personally would like to have one to keep basically stock (sans front bumpers) and another to radically modify.That's what I would do for fun. Fun is what it's all about.

Originally posted by jimsutton:
Beachcat here is one a MG Miget into a Suttmobile [IMG][/IMG]

That's a TF right? You really put a lot of work into that Jim.

jimsutton Took some work -- Made the body out of wood then made a fiberglass mold fiberglass body now .. Only one ever made ..
carguybillI think this is the best of all worlds.

Me TimeThat's some serious steel you got there!
Originally posted by carguybill:
I think this is the best of all worlds.

beachcatOne should never be afraid to express themselves lol

Me TimeBe afraid, be very afraid!

Originally posted by beachcat:
One should never be afraid to express themselves lol

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