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Topic:Problems connecting on POA ?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanthe past few days I have been having problems once on POA with really slow response time. I am not getting that on other sites.
Anyone else having a problem or is it my computer or server?
beachcatI'm not sure if its a coincidence but I have noticed that also. My virus scanner just quarantined a trojan virus about a hour ago and it seems a lot better now.

Maybe run a virus scan.

HowardNo problem here in California.

Could it be caused bythe raccoon problem in Cincinnati?

ed monahanDick Linneman, who repairs the center caps, has a very good friend that has been catching (trapping) raccoons and other pesks for about 50 years. He told me about two weeks ago that our neighborhood really has a lot of raccoons. I heard that a house in the next block had 28 raccoons in the attic last summer. I don't know if that is true and it is hard to believe no one noticed it or did anything about it until it got to a number that large.
I didn't SNOPES it. lol
I have never had a problem. I did have a problem with the cable because the squirrels eat the insulation, when it rained, we had lots of problems. We have lots of squirrels as there are a bunch of oak trees in the area.
TMI, I know.
This is a wireless router and it is really intermittent.
garysssYou had lots of squirrels because they knew there was a big nut in the neighborhood.
TLRandallI know about the squirrels in the attic problem. Over the last four years I have killed 24 out of my attic. Once they make a home, others will keep coming in from the scent. They are pretty tough to completely get rid of once they start. I am still not sure I got them all. They are pretty destructive, every time I seal up one hole, they tear a new hole in my siding above the brick.
BradleyGI know this sounds crazy, but try "Fox Urine". Yep, that's right, Fox Pee. It works, but will also make your dogs go nuts.

I used it a few years ago to rid those pesky squirrels. I bought it at a seed and feed store. Tried to save a few bucks by collecting my own fox urine, but couldn't catch those little rascalls. Got one by the tail, but couldn't turn it loose... OH.. That was a tiger... never mind.

REALLY.. It works.

tangled up in BLUE...fine here
Dave MillsNo problem here
padrooed, there must be a bunch of commedians out of work!
BradleyGOOPS.. Got side tracked..


phil2237No problems here , Ed, You may have to trade that 15 year old APPLE 2 to a newer version.
Originally posted by phil2237:
Ed, You may have to trade that 15 year old APPLE 2 to a newer version.

Ed is still on his original Commodore 64 computer, lol.

I'd guess your wireless router is about to go,,,,,replace it.

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:

Ed is still on his original Commodedoor 64 computer, lol.

I'd guess your hairless router is about to go,,,,,replace it.


This message has been edited by 1buddyc on 10-06-2011 at 04:34 PM

JRLNo connection issues but for the first time in 22 years I have squirrels making my garage attic their winter condo!

Not if I can help it...

I found where they're coming in from so in the next couple of days I will shoo them out (they go out when you open the stairs) and cover(with plywood)the offending attic vent and I will fix it properly next spring

ed monahan
Originally posted by padroo:
ed, there must be a bunch of commedians out of work!

why would you say that, not a funny comment among the bunch. lol

I unplugged my router and plugged it back in and it seems to be working. (I disconnected the negative for 10 minutes and then revved it up) lol

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