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Topic:Prayers needed 🙏
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
jwallis Long time POA member Bob Silsby was in a serious motorcycle accident on Sunday. He has three skull fractures an several other injuries. We just received a text from his wife Carol asking for prayers. You can find out more on his Facebook page.🙏
garysssSorry to here this Jeff. Thanks for posting. He and Carol will be in our prayers.
RPLVery sorry to hear this. He will be in our prayers. Please keep us posted.
MIKE GATLINWe are pulling for a full and speedy recovery and so sorry to hear Bob was in a terrible accident. Our thoughts are with Bob and Carol.
Marty UsherThat is sad to hear......sure hope and pray for a quick and complete recovery.
JUAN MOTIESending Prayers to Bob and family
BeWareExtremely Sad News. Thoughts and Prayers for Bob and his family.
CJHow terrible..prayers to him and Carol.
WildCatHere is the latest from Randell Smith (dates Bobs daughter)

Original update

3 skull fratactures, 11 ribs and some other bones

Bob Silsby Update:


The brain swelling and bleeding has not increased anymore at this time, which is a good sign.

There is some possible inner ear damage but those tests take several days to come back.

They are hoping to take him off the breathing tube soon.

He will be in the hospital for at least 4-6 weeks before being transferred to an out patient rehab.

However the doctors and nurses have said it could take a bit longer or shorter but they keep saying how he is a fighter. I say stubborn but either way it’s good 😁.

At this time visitors are not encouraged to stop by, however if you want to contact Carol and encourage her that is great.

I will keep everyone update as much as possible.

We thank all of you for your continued prayers and support.

Really hated to hear this, hadn't seen Bob & Carol in a long time then when they planned the luncheon in Florida and I knew they were also in Florida invited them to join us. Was great to see them and Bob had his big smile the whole afternoon . Enjoyed the time we had there and we even talked about the distracted drivers and why I sold my Goldwing.

Pray he has a full recovery and that Carol & family are ok.

Does anyone have pictures of their Prowlers? I know I have some but they are not scanned in so would have to find the box or album they are in and from so many years ago.

This message has been edited by WildCat on 03-03-2020 at 08:39 PM

Hoagie1This is terrible news, our thoughts & prayers are with them for a great recovery!
ed monahanHe posts as RebelBob.

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 03-04-2020 at 01:39 AM

Marty UsherI think they have a 2nd Prowler as well..candy red maybe??
JUAN MOTIEI have met Bob several times great guy hope all goes well. As a person who rides a motorcycle I'm always wondering.

This message has been edited by JUAN MOTIE on 03-04-2020 at 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Marty Usher:
I think they have a 2nd Prowler as well..candy red maybe??

Thought Carols was orange

Thanks Ed for posting pictures of Bob's car

This message has been edited by WildCat on 03-04-2020 at 11:08 AM

ed monahanI agree with Wildcat, I am fairly sure hers is orange but I don't know where to look for a picture of it.
I sure hope we get some great news from them in the very near future. Our prayers and thoughts are with them. thanks for posting the info Jeff & Larry. (Our wifi and phone service was rather poor the past few days.)

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 03-04-2020 at 05:53 PM

ALLEY CATBob,, I'm praying for your fast healing and a full recovery.

Have faith...........

jwallisCarol car is orange 🍊
jwallisCarol car is orange 🍊
tangled up in BLUE....just had lunch with Bob a couple of weeks ago, sad news, hope for the best
DIXIE CatI saw this news on FB & praying Bob will have a full recovery.
PURRFECTSo sorry to hear the bad news Jeff. We will keep them in our prayers.

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