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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Pontiac is Back?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Stray CatI can only dream.....Pontiac is BACK? Funny they mention a Dodge!

Too cool. Praying.


ALLEY CATNot going to happen,,,, Keep in mind, D E I time

That now would be an insult to the Odawa Indian tribe,

As Pontiac was an Odawa war chief known for his role in the war named for him, from 1763 to 1766 leading Native Americans in an armed struggle against the British in the Great Lakes region due to, among other reasons, dissatisfaction with British policies.

But I suppose you could add the Pontiac hood emblem to your Poncho car without catching too much flax:

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 04-25-2024 at 08:33 PM

padrooI thought it should have been Buick that got the ax back in the day. I have two Buicks but don't have a clue how they ended up in my garage. LOL
ALLEY CATThe big mistake GM made was not badging the

Saturn Sky, naming it Buick Reatta, and continue it's production ....

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
The big mistake GM made was not badging the
Saturn Sky, naming it Buick Reatta, and continue it's production ....

As a former new car dealer with Buick and Olds/Caddy among the many franchises, I agree.

Of the 4 car lines Chevy was the low line volume car, followed by Pontiac, Olds and Buick as high line (below Caddy)… they eliminated the 2 mid line franchises.
Unfortunately, I’ve heard that GM is currently buying out some Buick dealers to possibly reduce the # of dealers to 1/2… I have a bad feeling that the goal is to have just Chevy dealerships and Caddy/GMC dealerships!

It’s been my opinion for many years, that the manufacturers know as much about the retail business, as the retailers know about manufacturing!

ed monahanIsn't Buick a huge deal in Asia?
Stray CatAgree on all counts. Buick, I heard back in the day, was popular in China which was (not sure it still is) a growth opportunity for GM. Thus Pontiac went bye-bye. The G8 (Especially the GXP) were good cars as were the Solstices. The Sky version, to me, looked "smashed". But the Solstice GXP and Sky "Redline" were fast and good handling little cars. 2 cool facts, the Solstice Kappa Platform was the first Commercially successful car designed by a woman. Also, at the time, the GXP Turbo was the highest Horse Power engine per Cubic Inch that GM ever produced. Shelley's solstice with the GM PCM upgrade is a quick and fun little car. We will see!


Stray Cat http://www.motor1.com/news/718782/bob-lutz-gm-bailout-buick-pontiac-gmc/amp/

Interesting. It was a tragedy. One of the greatest GM brands. Period.

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