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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Poll: In White House race, voters may prefer none of the above
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerThose responding to the two front running candidates dislike both Clinton and Trump......And I agree.

So, America, Is this really the best we can come up with?......


mslc10Politicians don't know how to budget, meet a payroll, manage a profit, in other words ,run a business. So why do we think THEY would be the best to run a country?

This round we have a billionaire businessman that has shown experience in doing the above. Why don't people like him? Dunno...I don't think he is a true conservative such as Cruz but he has more to loose if he is not able to fulfill his statements.

What I like about him:
He is outspoken and says what ALOT of us want said!
His stance on the border and immigration
His stance on anchor babies

That being said...

Approx Half the people that vote don't want the other candidate either..... So I think it is always that way.

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 08-30-2015 at 03:09 PM

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