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Topic:Plymouth Prowler on Counting Cars
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI just watched season 9 episode 2 of the TV Show Counting Cars. They had a 2000 Plymouth Prowler on the show. It was in two segments of the show.
TLRandallRich, what did they do with the Prowler???
Season 9 is not online that I can find. I have thought about taking the Silver with the M&L Delivery Top to them.
BeWareThey didn’t modify the car. Apparently Danny and his car sales dealer buddy had purchased a 2000 Prowler together when new. They kept it and drove it for 6 weeks Or so and then sold it for a profit. The dealer friend had just bought another identical Prowler to resell and brought it by Danny’s shop. They thought it might be the same car. They talked about what an awesome car it is, took it out for a spin. Danny said if it was the same car he would buy it. In the next segment his buddy came back again with the car and offered to sell it to Danny for $29k. The car had something like 7K miles on it. But since he had found that it was not the same car they previously owned Danny passed. It was a black 2000.

It’s on the History Channel.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 06-11-2020 at 05:44 PM

tbonelynchI found it easily with Xfinity. Thanks for the heads up.
StingRayNever seen it ... whats the premise? They start with one, then count two, then three ... etc?
BeWareDanny Koker owns a custom car and cycle shop Counts Kustoms in Las Vegas. The show is about cars and bikes they build.
StingRayAhhhh got it .... thus the name Counting Cars ... thank you Rich
alrtgIn recent episodes I noticed that "Horny Mike" is now missing his Mohawk....Apparently Mother Nature saw to that decision.
Now he has the "Mr. Clean" look. It will take some getting used to.
401KATbiggest thing on that show is most all of the cars in his show room are consigned cars for the show ...not his....had a friend who wanted to buy one and was told that they are consigned thru the shooting session....

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