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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Paul Ryan/GOP dream boy
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://www.cnbc.com/2016/04/12/it-may-be-time-to-wake-up-from-the-paul-ryan-dream.html?__source=xfinity|mod&par=xfinity

link included

ed monahanThree days and three NEW posts about Ryan. Why? Why start a new topic every day when no one responds to any of them.
You don't earn POINTS that you can cash in later by starting a lot of threads.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Three days and three NEW posts about Ryan. Why? Why start a new topic every day when no one responds to any of them.
You don't earn POINTS that you can cash in later by starting a lot of threads.

mslc10Let's remember Ryan as the wuss who got his ass handed to him by " ole uncle joe Biden " in the vp debate of October 11, 2012.
The best of Paul Ryan must have run down his mommas leg!!!
72 virgins huh? Well let's get these boys laid!!

This message has been edited by mslc10 on 04-12-2016 at 07:28 PM

ALLEY CATI'll agree,,,,Ryan doesn't seem to have a backbone to get into a liberal's face. He'd be another McCain and Romney,,,letting the Dem stomp all over him in a debate.

Much the way I see Kasich,,,,milk toast, pansy azz nice guy......another Bob Dole type.

Originally posted by ed monahan:
Three days and three NEW posts about Ryan. Why? Why start a new topic every day when no one responds to any of them.
You don't earn POINTS that you can cash in later by starting a lot of threads.

In the last few days Ryan has been in the limelight about running for President. Today he said NO in a way that made the news . Sometimes a current event last longer than one day.

ed monahanI that case, I guess then my question would be, uhh, EXACTLY the same. Why do you need to start a new thread every time you post? You had a thread about Paul Ryan two days ago. Just post to that one. It is really quite simple. It is a THREAD, meaning it is connected.
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
I'll agree,,,,Ryan doesn't seem to have a backbone to get into a liberal's face. He'd be another McCain and Romney,,,letting the Dem stomp all over him in a debate.

Much the way I see Kasich,,,,milk toast, pansy azz nice guy......another Bob Dole type.

Agreed AC .... look what he has done, or should say HASN'T done so far as Speaker of a Republican controlled congress ... shameful, and he would be like Obama as President - spineless and without leadership quality

.... with leaves us then with TRUMP 2016! Leader, character, commitment, passion ... something these career politicians lack!

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