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Topic:Passenger Window
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
drhonnis it the regulator or ? The window still goes up and down but I notice when its going up, it like to jump a little, not a smooth move???
Thoughts and thanks in advance like usual
VinceMRegulator fixin to fail would be my guess. Time to order Tom Mills regulators.
ALLEY CATSounds like regulator failure is right around the corner,,,just a matter of time and use.

When it finally goes out, don't waste your time and $$ on a OEM replacement....go instead with:
. http://www.jeffersonautocollision.com/prowler-parts/

^ > Scroll down to see Tom's regulator replacement......vastly improved unit, which should last a very long time.

phil2237Stop using your window right away as if you continue to use it , you will break the plastic mount inside that you need for the replacement. Tom Mills has the regulator you need, Tom makes the best replacement out there that will last.
Hoagie1Defiantly check out Jefferson Auto Collision, HOWEVER

IF your window regulator is Not completely broken, you can send it to:

Power Window Repair, Based in AZ. 480-570-5116. They will rebuild your old window regulator with all metal parts and a solid metal window lume lift. Comes with a Lifetime warranty for $229.

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Plymouth-Chrysler-Prowler-Regulator-Rebuild-Service-Lifetime-Warranty/323414199451?hash=item4b4cfd0c9b:g:f8sAAOSwSPBacORw:rk:16:pf:0 [url]https:/ /www.ebay.com/itm/Plymouth-Chrysler-Prowler-Regulator-Rebuild-Service-Lifetime-Warranty/323414199451?hash=item4b4cfd0c9b:g:f8sAAOSwSPBacORw:rk:16:pf:0[/url]


Tom MillsDo you know of anybody that has actually had them rebuild a Prowler regulator? What they are describing they do wouldn't apply to the Prowler regulator. If they replace the plastic tubing that breaks with metal you wouldn't be able to collapse it to install it back in the door.
drbuttonmy window did that and I kept using it anyway - until it got stuck down and I had to park the car in a garage until the Jefferson Auto replacement regulators were installed. The OEM regulators all fail with use. I like the Tom Mills version - made like parts for a 1950's Buick.

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