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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Palin moose hunt
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
enzvoy http://www.aventure-chasse-peche-video.com/view_video.php?viewkey=5080b9a6a17bef029331
BeWareI could never understand why people enjoyed Moose hunting. I used to Deer hunt. On one occasion I accidently walked up on female Moose with her calf like in this video. She just stood there not more than 10 feet away. I was only carrying a 243 rifle so I was afraid she might charge and I would not be able to stop her. But she just stood there. My son who was around 8 at the time was with me and we slowly backed away. They seem to have no fear at all. Another time we saw a huge male. You could literally see him from a mile away. Later we passed close and carefully by him. He just stood there watching us. Shortly after that season I had a bad experience seeing a deer get shot to pieces as it ran down a slope. After that I got so I could no longer kill a deer. I sold my rifle and never hunted again.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 12-05-2008 at 01:24 PM

mspe01That didn't look like Sarah and I'm sure she would have let one fly at her if she had a shot yooou know
Ps Rich I don't like the kill sometimes and try my best to make it quick but I love the meat so much it is just not a problem I have two in the freezer now and will be going out to get another tommorrow Maybe we will have some venison sausage at woodward next year
Originally posted by mspe01:
That didn't look like Sarah and I'm sure she would have let one fly at her if she had a shot yooou know
Ps Rich I don't like the kill sometimes and try my best to make it quick but I love the meat so much it is just not a problem I have two in the freezer now and will be going out to get another tommorrow Maybe we will have some venison sausage at woodward next year

I really like the venison jerky.

BeWareMike, the last year I hunted I was living in Utah. I was at the bottom of this ridge. A Buck jumped up at the top of the ridge and it immediately sounded like a war zone. There was a bunch of hunters shooting at this same deer. The deer started running down the hill under a hail of bullets and straight at my position. For a few moments I was afraid one of those bullets might hit me. It finally dropped maybe 50 feet from me and I was the first to reach it. It was literally shot to pieces. I don't know how it made it has far as it did. The really bad thing was that it was still alive when I reached it. I immediately put it out of it's misery. About then another hunter approached and claimed it. It had so many bullet holes in it I really don't know how he expected to get any good meat from it, but better it didn't go to waste. Even if there was some good meat I don't think I could have eaten any of it from that particular deer. Seeing that deer shot to hell and suffering completely turned me off to hunting. Putting the deer out of its misery was the last shot I ever fired at a deer. I sold my rifle very shortly after returning home. I am not against people hunting, it's just not for me.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 12-05-2008 at 04:52 PM

ed monahan
Originally posted by BeWare:
I am not against people hunting, it's just not for me.

You don't care for DEER hunting but people hunting is okay !!!!!
Yikes, I agree with you. There are several I can think of. lol

garysssEd are you reading between the lines like I did on Rich's other post. LOL
Originally posted by ed monahan:

You don't care for DEER hunting but people hunting is okay !!!!!
Yikes, I agree with you. There are several I can think of. lol

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