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Topic:Painting gray bumpers to factory color
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
psynkI've got that age old issue of black spots on my gray bumpers, so I want to repainting them the original factory color. However, two shops can't find a color code anywhere. Is there one?

I tried hand polishing the bumpers with Wenol metal polish but the only thing it did was give them a nice high gloss look.

1) is there a factory color code?
2) gloss, semi-gloss, flat, or satin finish paint?
3) do I clear coat them?


silverkatI researched this a while back and I don't believe there's a code for the gray bumpers. They make an exact match for the blacks but not gray. I'm sure the paint could be matched by a good body shop.
ALLEY CATMaybe something in these threads might help?




This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 09-08-2016 at 06:24 PM

psynkSeems like most people go for black, but I want to stay as original as I can. The local shop gave me a decent $300 quote if I remove them and bring them to him. He said he would take it to the guy who does his paint and try to match.

One post suggests a Mr. Clean white eraser. Since I can't make them much worse, I'll give it a try.


ed monahanEven if they are off a little bit, no one will notice it or be able to tell the difference since they don't match anything else.
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