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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:PUlosi,,,,,lowest approval rating,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

Speaker PUlosi has fallen to a 29% approval rating,,,according to Gallup.

This radical, liberal whackjob is tumbling like a rock, with her ignorant remarks, speeches, and waste of taxpayer's dollars with her aircraft demands to fly about the country, and world.

Spin it Robert,,,,I know there has to be an up side to this,,,in your world


How's that?


ALLEY CATWhat we expected,,,,,,,,,,,,,good job

Less than two weeks to go. Tell us you are working that night?

ed monahanIt is hard to believe that 29 % approve of her. Who are these whackos? lol
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Tell us you are working that night?

Nope. Will be busy transporting people to the polls.


Originally posted by heynow14:
Nope. Will be busy transporting people to the polls.

Please tell us you are transporting people from the hood projects, down to the polls. When one of them sticks a gun to your head and demands your wallet, watch, cell phone, and shoes,,,,,,,,,if you live,,,it will be your last time to volunteer for that job

Borrow Ford's computer to take home that night,,,,we want to get your first hand assessment of the huge landslide of conservative victories after the polls close

Best to polish up on the spin you'll have to spew, after eating all of that crow we'll be feeding you.

idiveSince the Black Panther party has been banned from intimidating people at the polls until the 2012 elections, they'll need Robert there. Now, for the early voting, they've only got people stationed at the polls that are getting in the faces of voters intimidating them, holding up the lines, etc. I wonder why things like this never happened until obama was in the picture...
KlasKatHe is taking all his friends who are still waiting for their big screen TV's and all that Obama money and free health care.
Originally posted by KlasKat:
He is taking all his friends who are still waiting for their big screen TV's and all that Obama money and free health care.

Don't forget Peggy Joseph,,,,,she said BHO would make her mortgage payment and fill her gas tank


Typical BHO supporter,,,,,lost in space, and still waiting for the free handouts!!!

Only in America,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 10-21-2010 at 01:47 PM

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