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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BatMobileDo you think Aftermarket items for PROWLER are over-priced?
garysssDepends on where you buy it and what your buying. Remember many of the aftermarkets parts are Prowler only and have a limited amount of customers to buy them. There is a lot of cost in making items.
alrtgYes and No.

Prowlers were limited production vehicles with a narrow market share to begin with.

There were some people that bought them strictly as an investment then put them into storage and rarely if ever drove them.

There were some people that bought them and have kept them mostly stock.

There have been a few owners that have driven the wheels off their cars, sold them, bought another one and proceeded to drive the wheels off it as well.

There have been some that have highly customized and or modified their cars to suit their particular taste while others have made fewer changes to their cars.

Basic service items such as tires, radiator and heater hoses do not seem to be available through aftermarket sources,probably due to an inadequate demand for the parts unlike the boring mainstream econobox your neighbor may drive.

There are a few industrious individuals that have sensed a need for replacement parts as well as custom items. These people have taken a financial risk to produce these things for our benefit and are entitled to a fair return on their investment.

What I have learned in the few short years of ownership of my Prowler is that when I see a modification or product I like, I go ahead and buy it while it is available.

Some items are only available for a year or two until the initial demand has been met then they are no longer available for any number of reasons.

Many of the aftermarket items no longer available from the originator have maintained their initial price point or in some cases may have increased in value.

If you think an item is over priced, don't buy it but before making any decision consider this.....
How much would it cost you to make an identical item for yourself.

Note: Please keep in mind that this is my opinion and it is not aimed at anyone.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 05-22-2013 at 05:41 PM

beachcatTheir are deals to be had. Just keep your eyes and ears open. Check the classified section and ebay often if you can. Check local ads too. Sometimes things are under-priced.

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