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Topic:POA Members Are Amazing
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TucsonJerWhile in Gatlinburg I had the dreaded engine light come on. I instantly thought the worst! The first thing everyone ask was do you have a code reader? Not being mechanically inclined, of course I didn’t have one. Fortunately for me it turned out that EVERYBODY had one except for me. At least it seemed that way! Thanks Rick, Steve and Tony. Turned out to be minor problem. I drove all the way home and no more engine light. Today when I got back from the store there was a package on my doorstep. I didn’t recall ordering anything but it had my name on it so I opened it and to my surprise I found it was a Code Reader! Seems that Dale AKA Padroo decided that I should have one so he bought one for me and sent it to me. Dale, I owe you one my friend. It just blows me away how our members go out of their way to help each other. I am so grateful I found the POA shortly after I got my first Prowler. What a wonderful bunch!
Landscape DoctorSimply Awesomeness!!!!

Originally posted by TucsonJer:
While in Gatlinburg I had the dreaded engine light come on. I instantly thought the worst! The first thing everyone ask was do you have a code reader? Not being mechanically inclined, of course I didn’t have one. Fortunately for me it turned out that EVERYBODY had one except for me. At least it seemed that way! Thanks Rick, Steve and Tony. Turned out to be minor problem. I drove all the way home and no more engine light. Today when I got back from the store there was a package on my doorstep. I didn’t recall ordering anything but it had my name on it so I opened it and to my surprise I found it was a Code Reader! Seems that Dale AKA Padroo decided that I should have one so he bought one for me and sent it to me. Dale, I owe you one my friend. It just blows me away how our members go out of their way to help each other. I am so grateful I found the POA shortly after I got my first Prowler. What a wonderful bunch!

garysssThis is great! Way to go Dale!
druWow, what a super nice gesture. Dale and Bonnie are fantastic people. And now that you have a code reader Jer, you'll be the chief mechanic at the next prowler event!
WildCatGreat group of people here

Way to go Dale!

Even if you aren’t mechanical inclined it can be piece of mind to be able to scan to see why the light comes on

I normally bring my OBD II scanner with me on the road and have used it on others when at events

padrooI didn't pull my trailer to Gatlinburg so I was limited on space, but I did bring my jump pack. I knew a lot of people would be equipped with spare parts and tools. Just so you don't break down on the way to and from Prowler events.

Jer traveled the furthest of anyone at the Gatlinburg event.

padrooSorry, double post.

This message has been edited by padroo on 10-07-2023 at 05:27 PM

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