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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Over 100 teens swarm Memphis plaza, 'knocking out' shoppers
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareWant to know why I carry a gun. Watch this. This is just one of many reasons/examples.

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (WREG) – CBS affiliate WREG reported that three people are now recovering after a mob of teenagers ran through a busy shopping plaza, seemingly picking out customers and Kroger employees at random to attack.

A video of the incident has been shared with local news stations in the area and is quickly going viral. It shows a young adult lying still on the ground as others repeatedly kick him and stomp his head. Other are seen being chased or knocked to the ground.

WREG said a witness told the cameras that the three people injured were attacked indiscriminately--two victims were African American, and one victim was Caucasian.

The news station added that the brawl happened at the corner of Poplar Avenue and Highland Street.

WREG also reported Monday morning a juvenile has been arrested in connection with the attack. Get the full story here: http://on.kthv.com/1oiYToC

http://www.thv11.com/story/news/crime/2014/09/07/over-100-t eens-swarm-memphis-plaza-knocking-out-shoppers/15262309/

This message has been edited by BeWare on 09-08-2014 at 11:21 AM

bjprowlerImagine living in a world where people are in danger by just going to the super market?

The video reminds me of a pack of wild dogs gone berserk.

garysssWhen they act like wild animals, they should be treated the same way. They need to be put down.
RPLWatched the video. Didn't see any white teenagers in the crowd. Also didn't see any outrage in the national media. Just another case of innocent young black teenagers being picked on.
Originally posted by RPL:
Watched the video. Didn't see any white teenagers in the crowd. Also didn't see any outrage in the national media. Just another case of innocent young black teenagers being picked on.

You are right, Bob ... didn't hear one peep on this in our local news ....

Michael PondJust another reason I have a Conceal and Carry permit!!
RPLbut if I defended myself from harm in a situation like this, I would make the national news. I have a concealed carry permit and am never unarmed, I pray to God that I never need to draw my weapon but if I do there will only be one version of the event.

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