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Topic:Only 4% of Americans
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Wayne Finch.......realize that Canada is the largest exporter of crude oil into the United States.

....and hence why Calgary is a boomtown. House prices taking off, office vacancies the lowest in the world, etc.

Marty Usherand no Provincial taxes in Alberta either. Lots of oil & gas companies with headquarters in Calgary.

I must be in the 4%

Ray... was recently there ... amazing how that town has grown! And the house prices I have heard being bought and then remodeled ... staggering!
tangled up in BLUEwhats all this news I see about Canadian oil/sand excavation.....maybe 8 times the reserves of Saudi Arabia ??
Marty UsherWhen I was there a few months ago all I heard was talk of more oil than anyone expected and the real boom hasn't even happened yet BUT - damn it's cold and dark there in Winter!!

I'll be working in Calgary for a week and a half next May and plan to rent a car and cruise the Canadian Rockies for a week afterwards. Maybe I should make it a POA event.

Wayne Finch
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
I'll be working in Calgary for a week and a half next May and plan to rent a car and cruise the Canadian Rockies for a week afterwards. Maybe I should make it a POA event.

Marty, I have always wanted to have a POA event there. The Canadian Rockies are spectacular. Great roads for cruising.

Problem is that it is a huge drive from virtually anywhere. Even looked into transporting cars and flying out there - but that wouldn't come cheap. Could probably get 10 or 20 cars I would guess

ed monahanI have to agree the Canadian Rockies are fabulous. I would think in May it will still be a tad bit chilly, too.
Long way between gas stations back 15 years ago.
Larry Lord
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
Maybe I should make it a POA event.

Been there Done that!
One of our best vacations.
Canada 2002 Vacation

Bob MillerI was up camping in the Canadian Rockies in the fall before the winter Olympics in Calgary. Went to the Waterton Lakes area, and up to Banff and Lake Louise. The Canadian Rockies ARE spectacular and the roads are good, and the wildlife is abundant. Missed the Calgary Stampede though! The cowboys and cowgirls in Alberta were very friendly too! One of the better vacations I have had!
Kevin AWayne,
Keep this news quiet or the US will attack.

Originally posted by Bob Miller:
I was up camping in the Canadian Rockies in the fall before the winter Olympics in Calgary. Went to the Waterton Lakes area, and up to Banff and Lake Louise. The Canadian Rockies ARE spectacular and the roads are good, and the wildlife is abundant. Missed the Calgary Stampede though! The cowboys and cowgirls in Alberta were very friendly too! One of the better vacations I have had!

Waterton Park is the most fantastic place.... I love it there , can be windy at times but the mountains are beautiful. travel through the Kanaskis valley... its a beautiful drive and travels east to the crowsnest pass which is on the border of BC and Alberta.

spent the best 10 years of my life there...

Marty Usher
Originally posted by Larry Lord:
Been there Done that!
One of our best vacations.
Canada 2002 Vacation

Larry - I remember when you went there. Lake Louise and Banff National Park are definitely on our list of placed to see. I was kidding about making it a POA event. I'll be flying up, Rebecca will join me near the end of work time and we'll rent a car.

Ed - It will be Memorial Day Weekend and through the First few days of June. Nice in teh Valleys but chilly nights and lots of snow left in the higher elevations. Som eof the mountain passes are not scheduled to open until June 3rd.

Wayne - you are correct about the distance, but the scenery is SPECTATULAR and we are looking forward to it.

After the Lousville event this year I am DONE with POA event planning. I may assist on some future event, we'll see.

RED5If the gas prices keep going up we can start buying more from other countries(where the cost is higher), forget the mid east, let them knock themselves right out of the game.
Originally posted by Marty Usher:
After the Lousville event this year I am DONE with POA event planning. I may assist on some future event, we'll see.

Didn't you say that after the Smokies??? LOL T

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